I don't think this can possibly be about knowing "for a fact." Like with religion, I appreciate that a lot of people believe very strongly - however, there's a difference between belief and knowing for a fact.
The fact I was stating is that this particular person does not take money, not that is factual or religion.
I was referring to the prior post stating that they (mediums, healers, psychics) cheat people out of their money and offer vague references that are irrelevant.
Again I will state, I know for a fact there are mediums that don't accept money for readings or healing works. What I was stating is neither a belief or non belief in psychics or their abilities because is am very happily Agnostic. However, please read my statement correctly in that I said:
...I know for a fact that there are many mediums and healers that don't take money and offer hope and life through their work.
Sorry, but editing posts like that really skews what the poster (in this instance myself) was trying to convey.