We don't often drink bottled beer, cos the selection is often not that great (and because cask is so much nicer!), but all the amateurus drinkerus out on their office parties, etc force us to stay in quite a lot in December/January.
However, a new beer shop has opened in Glasgow... Hippo Beers in Queen Margaret Drive. Excellent selection! We were in there last night, and in addition to the presents we bought for other people, we came away with a few treats for ourselves:
Delirium Christmas (10%)
Ayinger Celebrator Starkbier (6.7%... but i really only bought it because it has a plastic goat hanging around the neck of the bottle!)
Highland Orkney Blast (6%)
and the sole low-gravity offering, Thornbridge Wild Swan (3.5%)
We might drink a couple of these tonight, but tomorrow we are going to a barrel party... a friend has brought back a barrel of German bier, and we'll go round there and drink, eat and chat till it's gone.