Well, Im not over in the UK quite yet.
Over here I've been a bit of a Hophead as of late. I enjoy a local brewpub (
http://www.sherwoodbrewing.com/ to anyone in the metro detroit area who likes good everything),) and most other pale ale/IPAs that I try.
My FAVOURITE beer has to be Bell's Hopslam (when available), it is frighteningly good. The 10% ABV Sneaks up on ya kinda quick though...
http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/287/17112During my time in the UK, I've made a point to try a different beer everytime I'm at a pub. Didn't quite realize that the ciders were so popular...obviously I wasn't a fan, LOL.
I think the following put out decent stuff
Wychwood Brewing
http://www.wychwood.co.uk/I've enjoyed just about everything that I've tried from them.
The York Brewery
http://www.york-brewery.co.uk/Yeah, its a tourist town, but I really liked this place. I felt at home there. They had their Ghost ale on tap at the time, and I could easily see myself spending the evening over a few pints of it
But my favourite beer out there (To the point I've had some of the local shops here import it in for me) is..
Black Sheep Brewery
http://www.blacksheepbrewery.com/ They don't do anything crazy or really bold. I'll never get inspired to go crazy promoting them (any more then this at least), but when I've gone into a pub, and not had a CLUE what to get, I'd just get myself a Black Sheep Ale and its the style I like. It's not great, its not poor, but it's a nice familiar easy flavour for me
PS: Thanks for the thread :-)