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Topic: All Things Beer!  (Read 88121 times)

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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #300 on: March 08, 2013, 04:13:49 PM »
Had an evening in Huddersfield yesterday, meeting up with a few ex-colleagues. Met up in the Head of Steam as it's convenient for people coming in on the train. Had a very bland Holt's IPA - didn't have much flavour to it which surprised me as I tend to like the Joseph Holt beers.
Next 2 beers were much better, Titanic Lifeboat (had a few Titanic brews recently and all very nice) and Harviestoun Bitter & Twisted (a fave of mine).
Had a very nice, if peppery, home made burger and chips.
Then we went to a bar I'd not been to before but wanted to try - called HDM Beer Shop. It's on Wood St not far from the station. The HDM stands for Hand Drawn Monkey. It's a strange bar, reminded me of small bars in Amsterdam (though they didn't have any weed!). Came in and unless you went up the steps the bar was at neck height. Just 2 hand-pulled ales on offer - the HSM IPA was very nice. They have craft kegs and a very wide selection of foreign bottles, saw someone have a Brooklyn Brewery beer.
After that we decided to go to the Sportsman to round off the evening rather than the Grove, just based on distance from where we were and the station, and the fact the weather wasn't good! A couple of pints of Mallinson's Uranus in there.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 04:15:21 PM by TykeMan »
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #301 on: March 08, 2013, 06:29:38 PM »
I heart Huddersfield!

Hand Drawn Monkey's a new one to me... never heard of it before.  Is it a fairly new place?

The Grove used to be a favourite, but i feel it's gone downhill a bit after a change of staff.  And too many Thornbridge beers.  Given that i am a huge fan of Ossett beers, it's a wonder I ever get out of the Rat & Ratchet when I come down!

Next Thursday, me and my friends are all going down to the Hawkshead beer fest in Staveley.  Got the beer list today, and while it doesn't look outstanding, I see there is an Ossett beer on the list which I've never tried... Admiral IPA 4.8%, so I will definitely be availing myself of that one!  And there's White Rat, which I love.  I'm curious to try the Blackjack Honey Trap, in the hope that it's got a good honey flavour.... love honey beers!

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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #302 on: March 11, 2013, 07:49:42 AM »
HDM opened last year, maybe 6-8 months ago, came across it through Facebook. It's on Wood St which runs parallel to the street outside the station.
Thinking of the Hawkshead festival later in year which is a bigger festival but depends on DW being able to swap shifts.

Ossett - I like them also. But last week I went in my fave local pub in Barnsley (Old No. 7, if you are ever in the area!) and a couple of guys were discussing that a local micro-brewery may have to close down, Oakwell Brewery, due to having to move from premises. Doesn't help that you don't really see their beers much. Anyway, the discussion was that they might be sold, and one guy said "As long as they aren't bought by Ossett, I hate Ossett".
So I said "really?"
And then he said "Well, maybe not hate, but I don't like their beers, they are too hoppy, and I don't like how they buy up smaller breweries"
Well, as I said, not the way I see it as they tend to buy up breweries in trouble and help them out when they would otherwise disappear. And they allow autonomy, they don't move production and they don't rebrand beers. In fat they get a wider market - as I've seen Rat beers in my local when they've had a delivery ofOssett beers in for example.
But each to their own.
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #303 on: March 19, 2013, 08:42:07 AM »
Yay, craft beers are getting much bigger in the US

There are some really awesomely yummy beers in the US, I must say! 
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #304 on: March 20, 2013, 07:17:45 AM »
Just back from the Hawkshead Brewery Spring Beer Festival in Staveley, near Windermere.  I can't find my programme at the moment, where I've marked the beers I tried, but TBH, I pretty much stuck with the Ossett beers (Admiral, White Rat) and the Hawkshead beers.  It wasn't that the other beers were lacking... it's just that i LOVE the Ossett and Hawkshead ones!  Oh i had a really nice one from Bristol as well... just cant remember the name without my programme.

They've got another fest coming up in July... I highly recommend this place!

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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #305 on: March 21, 2013, 12:28:22 AM »
Beer duty escalator scrapped! Hoorah!
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #306 on: March 23, 2013, 01:36:32 PM »
Another beer shop opened up in town.  Sweet- lots of yummy real ales and craft brews to chose from now!
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #307 on: March 24, 2013, 08:22:34 PM »
Thinking of the Hawkshead festival later in year which is a bigger festival but depends on DW being able to swap shifts.

The next one's in July.  We are thinking of coming down for that as well, but only the Saturday, due to me being unable to get the Friday off work.

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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #308 on: March 24, 2013, 08:24:39 PM »
Another beer shop opened up in town.  Sweet- lots of yummy real ales and craft brews to chose from now!

Sorry for being such a dick-headed pedant, but... if it's in a bottle, it's not 'real ale' unless by some small chance it's bottle conditioned.   Sorry again!  :-X I couldn't hold it in!  ;)

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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #309 on: March 24, 2013, 08:44:50 PM »
Sorry for being such a dick-headed pedant, but... if it's in a bottle, it's not 'real ale' unless by some small chance it's bottle conditioned.   Sorry again!  :-X I couldn't hold it in!  ;)

Oops, hehehe, fair enough! As you can tell, I don't really know the difference,  just know when they taste good  ;) :P
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #310 on: March 25, 2013, 05:19:45 PM »
Sorry for being such a dick-headed pedant, but... if it's in a bottle, it's not 'real ale' unless by some small chance it's bottle conditioned.   Sorry again!  :-X I couldn't hold it in!  ;)

True by the Camra definition - though I prefer not to buy bottle conditioned cause it's a pain storing and pouring. I generally cannot store many bottle stood up!
I chatted to the chairman of our local Camra about it and he said "strictly speakking it's bottle conditioned but doesn't see a problem with non-conditioned" which I don't either.
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #311 on: March 25, 2013, 06:41:21 PM »
True by the Camra definition - though I prefer not to buy bottle conditioned cause it's a pain storing and pouring. I generally cannot store many bottle stood up!
I chatted to the chairman of our local Camra about it and he said "strictly speakking it's bottle conditioned but doesn't see a problem with non-conditioned" which I don't either.

I don't have a 'problem' with it... after all, what are you going to drink in the house otherwise?  Bottle conditioned isn't easy to find, very little variety, and as as you said, it's a faff to store and pour.  Half the time I forget, and lay them down on their side and end up with (as my other half calls it) 'marrowbone jelly' in my beer, which i don't like.

I was just being 'CAMRA correct' about the definition.  ;)

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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #312 on: March 27, 2013, 12:40:48 PM »
Not sure if I'll be reopening a whole can of worms here that I might just have managed to close on facebook after yesterday!
But here goes - Yesterday I was in Leeds following a job interview, so called in The Brewery Tap close to the station for some lunch....this was my facebook post

Departed from tradition of always going for cask and tried a craft keg beer - Thornbridge Brewery / Sierra Nevada collaboration Twin Peaks pale ale. Far too fizzy and at £4.80 a pint, far too pricey!

My brother responded by saying that "craft keg is a controversial topic within CAMRA. When the pint was served and they told you the price was your response 'how much!!!'"

I replied " Indeed it is. I did have to ask again..
Thought £3.15 for the earlier Leeds brewery Monsoon IPA was bad enough and the casks went up to £3.50"

So now, here goes the rest of the debate when a friend who works for a mjor pub chain as a regional manager joined the debate - I'll call him Mr X here!

Mr X - Craft keg is only controversial because CAMRA refuse to move with the times and support beer in general. Their attitude on this has been tragic at times. I know places in Leeds that charge over £5 for Blue Moon, so think you've done ok at that price for a collab that involved Sierra Nevada and high quality ingredients. Bet you ten to a penny they're making less money at that price than most pubs do from a pint of Carling

Me -  It wouldn't be so bad if they got craft keg into pubs that didn't want to/have the sales to do cask, but that doesn't seem to be the case and particular brew was way to fizzy. I'll stick with cask where its on offer. Glad I tried it as I'd previously tried most of the cask on offer and was keen to try this particular brew, but I wasn't too impressed. The cask was far superior at over a quid fifty cheaper.

Mr X - There's room to do both craft keg and craft cask, it's just about whether a certain beer suits either profile. Thornbridge Kipling is far superior on cask to keg, but Thornbridge Chiron is an amazing beer on keg (and not as good on cask). The cost difference is down to the additional labour and costs with producing a keg beer

Me - But given it keeps longer shouldn't that balance the cost out? i.e. less wastage. I'm not saying there's no room for craft keg, just wish they'd start targetting pubs that generally don't do cask.

Mr X - But there's no need to target pubs that don't do cask. It isn't one or the other, they both exist as equally excellent genres of brilliant beer. That's like telling a pub they shouldn't serve Sierra Nevada Pale Ale on draught because they do cask ale? This is the kind of thinking that is setting CAMRA light years behind where it needs to be

Me - You aren't getting what I'm saying. There are many pubs that only sell keg, and poor keg. So target those to get craft keg in, then you are widening the scope of quality beer available. I've no problem with a pub selling craft keg but to me it's a bit lost because the ONLY place you tend to see it is in good quality cask pubs. And if there's cask then I and many others like me are going to have that instead. Particularly if they are going to charge £1.50+ more for the craft keg.
I had 2 pints this afternoon in the Brewery Tap - Leeds Brewery Monsoon IPA on cask at £3.15 and the Twin Peaks on keg at £4.80. The Monsoon was a far better pint in every way, the keg was overly fizzy (don't know if that's just that beer or the nature of it being keg but it was more like a lager), much colder, and generally just not as nice as the Monsoon. Now, ok I'm using one example of craft keg having not tasted others, but lets just say I was not impressed and when they are charging 1.5 times the cost then I expect a much more satisfying product.

Mr X - But that's just one beer and that's just your taste buds? There's nothing wrong with preferring cask to keg, thousands do, but to say one should be pushed in to pubs/bars that don't do the other is an I justice to some of the bloody brilliant beers out there that are only available in keg. The beer is meant to be colder (as it goes through a different cooling system) and will be much more carbonated as well

Me - I never said it should not be sold in cask pubs. But they are missing a big opportunity if they don't look to put it in keg only pubs. I like Belgian bottled beers, I would like craft keg (I like the US craft beers remember)...my point is that you generally only see them in cask pubs and good cask pubs at that. I'd like to be able to walk into any pub and find a drink I like rather than seeing smooth and either settling for a guinness or walking out. I'm saying I would like to try more of them but am less likely to do so if I only ever see it alongside cask.

Any thoughts? Personally I thought i had a reasonably point of view that wouldn't it be better if we got craft keg out into none cask pubs?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 12:45:33 PM by TykeMan »
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #313 on: March 27, 2013, 01:31:14 PM »
All Greek to me, but if you get the job in Leeds, Tykeman (good luck!!!) - we'll have to meet for a pint sometime. I'll bring DH & you can talk beer. He's not all CAMRA-fried though - he just likes what he likes & he likes beer. He likes that Thornbridge Raven beer a lot & a perennial favourite is Copper Dragon Golden Pippin.  :)
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Re: All Things Beer!
« Reply #314 on: March 27, 2013, 01:42:31 PM »
All Greek to me, but if you get the job in Leeds, Tykeman (good luck!!!) - we'll have to meet for a pint sometime. I'll bring DH & you can talk beer. He's not all CAMRA-fried though - he just likes what he likes & he likes beer. He likes that Thornbridge Raven beer a lot & a perennial favourite is Copper Dragon Golden Pippin.  :)

Oh I love Copper Dragon Golden Pippin!

Thanks, The job is in Bradford though, I was making a stop off on the way home.
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