Back to Spoons for another pint of the Batemans Hazelnut Brownie, and I think I may have discovered my favourite beer of the fest...Ninkasi Cream Ale, 4.5%... a collaboration between Ninkasi Brewing of Eugene, Oregon and Caledonian. It lost a bit of gravity converting the keg recipe to cask, from what I've read, but the flavour was very light and pleasant and more-ish... after 2 pints of the delicious, but heavy Hazelnut Brownie.
Oh, and we also had a pint of a new Fyne ale at the supposed Glasgow POTY, called Fladda Rock & Roll... meant to have a Belgian flavour, but... it was so warm, I couldn't even finish a pint. If it was served at the proper temp, it might just be a lovely beer.