Been back from a trip to the US for just over a week. We were in Philadelphia, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Vermont and Carolina.
Came across a few brew pubs whilst there, and some great bars.
Bru and Wurst in Philly was great, nice selection of beers though most were over 7%! Found a brewpub in New London, NH called The Flying Goose.
A few other places, but the reason I'm posting this is to mention one in Lebanon, NH called Seven Barrels Brewery. All there own beers brewed on site. I looked at the beer list and selected a red ale, forget the name now, and then continued to look through and noticed it said they had cask beers, I looked around and then spotted 2 hand pumps on the bar! The barmaid was still doing my wife's drink and I asked what they had on cask, she said that the red was on so I asked for it from cask. However, the beer wasn't great, had a bit of a sour taste to it. Not quite so bad that i sent back although in my local here I would have done. After I had an IPA on tap. Anyway, whilst having that got chatting with the barmaid, she was asking where we were from and then asked me what I thought about the beers as they advertise their beers as being "British style" so do get a bit worried when Brits come in to see if they really are. I mentioned about not often finding cask in the US and she said "yes, we don't sell much and that has been on a while"! I mentioned about it being sour and she seemed genuinely shocked when I said that cask beer has a life of only 3 or 4 days once it's on.