And how was the beer?
Mainly very good... I was disappointed to get a full pint (I normally drink halves at a festival) of my then-favourite, Marble Manchester Bitter... to find it didn't taste the same and wasn't nice at all. I later found out that their brewer has moved on to start his own brewery, and that's possibly the reason for the taste change. But I mean, surely they have a recipe? 2 different people brewing from the same recipe should end up with the same result, right?
Anyway, that was a disappointment, but the rest was good. I found myself returning to the Tiny Rebel bar more than any other... they had that marshmallow porter (Stay Puft) in the normal 5.5%, and a 10% version on keg. They also had a really nice Peaches & Cream (lactose & peach juice), which was lush, as well as some of their other delicious standards like Cereal Killer and Cwtch. Unfortunately no Fugg Life, which was my beer of the festival last year. But Tiny Rebel are excellent, as I'm sure you know!
Apart from that, the Abbeydale Deception was the best I've ever tasted it, and the Bristol Beer Factory's 12 Apostles was also in fine form. My pals were all raving about the Cloudwater beers, but I didn't try them, but Arbor had some nice ones, as did Wildside. Sorry I can't remember the names... so many beers, so little brain-space!