Yay for tomatillos!! I grew them for the first time last year! Things I learned - you MUST keep them very warm until they're at least a foot tall (so you need a greenhouse or very sunny windowsill). Only plant them out after you're absolutely sure there won't be any more front. Once they're outside, stake them really well as they love to grow tall and bushy. And feed with tomato fertiliser when you do your tomatoes, too (I learned this the hard way last year - I neglected to feed them at all at first, and then they didn't really like my seaweed fertiliser). And they freeze really well if you take the husks off.
This is my fourth year on the boat and the third year I've done
a big veggie garden on deck. This year I've planted: lettuce, spinach, spring onions, carrots, radishes, spaghetti squash, marrow, courgettes, tomatillos, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, french beans, and aubergines. Plus a ton of strawberry plans and herbs from past years, and I was just bought some blueberry bushes for my birthday but they haven't arrived yet.
The only crop I would NOT grow again is purple sprouting broccoli - I had to wait over a year to eat the things, and for a 3 month span, had to pick tiny caterpillars off its leaves EVERY SINGLE DAY. Waaaaay too much work. I'm happy to pay the premium for it in stores now!
Oh! And some cat grass for our kitty, too. That stuff shoots up SO fast!