Oh we have markets in London, of course. And there are independent shops, but it is really a bother for most people to travel for their goods, and it's rarely all in one place. We have a good organic butcher a train stop away, along with a fairly decent HFS, but everything else is a chain. Here we have a couple of small markets, but no butcher (although there might be a Halal butcher around here) or fishmonger or anything else. There's a cake shop, but it's not a full bakery. They pretty much just make cakes. Even that is a trek, really. I think most people just go to Greggs.
Back in the day, of course, the street around the corner from us would have held everything we needed. Now it's mostly corner shops, off licences, estate agents, with a few Polish shops thrown in. At one time it was obviously a proper mini-high street.