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Topic: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?  (Read 2428 times)

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2010, 03:57:45 PM »
As a family of three we brought 9 checked bags and the max hand luggage for all of us.  Looking at the airline's information, we should have had to pay about 3-500 dollars for extra bags - but interestingly they didn't charge us.  Don't know what happened there - at the counter they said it was because we had expensive one way tickets... (which I thought were cheap for one way).

In any case, they had no problem checking all of our bags, transferring them through three flights or getting through customs at Birmingham.   The biggest problem was just rolling through the airport with those and an under 5 child!
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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2010, 04:02:41 PM »
My husband and I moved in July and we checked 8 bags - two of those bags were full of cat stuff only though (we brought our four cats with us).

We got charged $680 - sadly Virgin recently reduced their free checked bags on international flights from two to one which really messed us up (as far as what we had planned to spend on luggage). Couldn't do anything at that point though!
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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2010, 04:06:45 PM »
I had the two free 50 pound bags and I paid for one more that was 70 pounds.  I really don't need all this stuff, especially as a student I have had to move mult. times and moving all this stuff is getting old. 

This is basically what I had, only I paid for a 55lb bag.  Also agree on it being too much as a student.  It's mostly just clothes, but I've probably only worn half of them.

I think my mentality when I was packing was "Must hold on to my life!". Apparently my "life" includes ratty sneakers from high school.  ::)
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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2010, 01:13:34 AM »
When my bag was 53 lbs. on my last trip I pulled out a few things and handed them to my mom.  I'd rather buy a new pair of boots in the UK, then pay 50 bucks to transport an old pair that I don't love love love.  I'm going to weigh my bags before I leave this time.  My big rolly duffle will definitely be over but I'm going to plan for it. 
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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2010, 01:55:11 AM »
Just moved a week ago and I took one big duffle bag, one carryon bag and my purse. My bf brought one big duffle bag, one carryon and his laptop. We ended up springing an extra $60 for one extra bag so that we could fit everything. It worked out well and even the heaviest bag was still under 50lbs.

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2010, 07:25:57 AM »
I moved over with two big suitcases (not enormous, but big and not overweight), a small-ish carry-on which contained my laptop and my harp in its padded case, cushioned with clothes, and then the case was put into a big box.  This wasn't overweight, but counted as an extra bag and I paid only $60 to bring it on the plane.  I was thrilled because to ship my harp properly would have cost over $1200!
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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2010, 12:21:09 PM »
I moved to the UK a little over a month ago, and I came with 5 large suitcases, a carry-on a a big, over-stuffed shoulder bag.  It was a real disappointment that Virgin had reduced their free checked baggage allowance from 2 bags to 1.  My one-way ticket was very expensive, but I still had to pay almost $400 for the extra suitcases.  When I got to the airport, I got a bit overwhelmed by the thought of wheeling all those bags on a trolley, but fortunately, there were porters everwhere, and I paid to have one transport them for me to the car park.

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2010, 04:45:07 PM »
We had a *lot* of stuff because or personal belongings because we knew we were going to be living in temporary housing for at least a month after arrival.

We just paid the price for extra baggage. We had about 4 suitcases of clothes for myself, my husband and our son, plus his travel cot and a small plastic bin of toys for him to enjoy before our container from the States would arrive. It was cumbersome, but we survived. And we specifically flew into the nearest airport so all we had to do was throw the stuff into a cab after arriving instead of schlepping halfway across the U.K.

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2010, 11:12:27 AM »
I am upset about Virgin A. baggage fees increase.
Now I am wondering what airline is best to book flight with in terms of baggage fees.
Seems like their all the same.  Extra bag = $100+?
I am planning to take 4-6 luggage with me.
It's going to be crazy trying to get them out of the airport to the car park.
I had already started packing while I apply for visa.
Trying to fit everything I can in one bag up to 50 pds.   ;D

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2010, 11:36:18 AM »
For 2 people, we had 4 medium-large suitcases/duffels, two small roll-y suitcases used as carry-ons and each had a backpack.  At least one suitcase was full of cat-related stuff, so they'd be made comfortable the minute we got to the apartment.  We flew Virgin, and 2 years ago, the allowance was still 2 bags each @ 50lbs.  As everyone has mentioned, those days are long gone.   :-\\\\

We also had a small air shipment, which really helped. 

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2010, 12:01:18 PM »
When we moved over here from Atlanta, we flew BA and we brought 10 large suitcases and 2 carry ons (one for each of us & 5 each large cases).  At the time (Feb 2010) BA said we could only bring total of 10 large cases.  We packed each and weighted each b/c they could only be 50 pounds each or if over the 50 pound limit there was another case fee.  Cost us alot of $$$, but it was half the price of shipping it over.  Amazing how little is 50 pounds LOL.

I just went back for a month long vivist and shipped back via the US Post Office 2 small boxes and it cost $102.00 (AMAZING & EXPENSIVE).  I have got to find a cheap shipper.

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2010, 12:28:16 PM »
I brought 2 suitcases with me, and had 9 USPS boxes sent over. Everything else went to the thrift shop that was down my street. I didn't really have much that was "my own", though, because most of the furnishings I had in my room I found in the alley way behind my apartment and just fixed them up to be usable. I knew I wasn't staying in the States for very long, and didn't want to care about my possessions. So, I wasn't really attached to much of that stuff at all. The postage for the USPS boxes totalled to about $300 something, but, they were pictures and things like that which I knew would weigh my luggage down, so, I didn't pack them in. I sent the most important boxes ahead of me, though, because I wanted those to be in the UK when I got here.
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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2010, 01:09:34 PM »
2 years ago I shipped 5 large boxes over via USPS, things I didn't want to leave behind like Christmas decorations and family photos and winter clothes and my favorite books.  It cost about $100 a box.  The extra bag fee of $50 (or even £50) seems like a bargain now.  I sent a suitcase-full back with my brother last week (he was here for a visit).  Much cheaper than posting it.

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Re: How many suitcases did you take on the plane?
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2010, 01:35:43 PM »
Is a backpack consider as a extra baggage or a handbag ( I won't be bring a carry on, all bag will be check in ) for Virgin A.? 

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