Don't know if I posted about this before in this thread, but Im too lazy to look back to a few years ago.
My signature shows the trek, but how it began was really when I met him at Heathrow and a few days into my trip there.
Let me take you back a little.
Back in July/August of 2002, I was bored, liked Coldplay and Travis and wanted to go to a concert. So, I found out that Coldplay was gigging in Sept of that year and wanted to get ahold of tickets asap, so there is when I found myself on the Coldplay message board.
I met loads of nice people and decided to stick around. At present time, Ive met over 30 people from that board, so there are some good memories! I met Jassen on the board as he started to post more once a mutual friend on the board influenced him to post in the general section of the board, which was my primary hangout. We would chat in the same threads from time to time, but really we were just boardie buddies.
Over that time, I wasnt looking for love, but I had a 10 month canadian and that didnt work out. I believe he had a short time board crush on a girl from cali or something, but it didnt go anywhere. So we both were having our ups and downs, left and rights of relationships at about the same time. 2003, I was planning as well as a few other boardies to head to Glastonbury plans were being made and I asked Jassen if by some awesome chance, if I would be able to stay with him during the festival time, as I would be traveling with another boardie after to Scotland(did go) and then Ireland(which never happened). He said that it was cool, so about a month after I graduated from Uni, I was off to the UK,first time, by my lonesome, taking a GIANT leap of faith....I arrived, but he had yet to arrive at the airport and was a little late...I think my flight was early, so it worked out in the end.
I rushed to the bathroom thinking....dang Jen...youre a risk taker! I even had a nice lady and her husband from Manchester giving me their phone number just in case there were issues. It was cute of them!
So, I walked out of the bathroom and no sooner than I did, I heard my name being called. Out of the corner of my eye, Jassen then tripped over a crowd of old people's luggage and made his way as I turned to see him directly...I immediately gave him a hug and said thanks for putting up with me. I was SUPER tired and he could see that in my face.
He got my tube pass and we road back to his house(1.5hours of travel time). He got out of work early to meet me, which was very nice. I got to his house and pretty much crashed out on his bed as I was dead tired. I remember getting up quickly saying that I might have drooled on his pillow and he said that it was alright.:-p I had the room to myself and he was upstairs with his little brother in the loft.
We met up with one of his best friends that he hadnt seen in a while that night and then the next day, went to meet up with some boardies, Tez, Hana, another Hannah, and a french dj girl at a whetherspoons...I had a vegan was odd.
The day after that was the 20th and we were making plans to go to Stonehenge, cuz I thought it cool to go on the Summer Solstice. We then went on the 21st and on the way there from North London(his dad drove and his lil brother skipped school to be there, me thinks) there was a
Now im into all that new age stuffz...and I feel receptive to peoples feelings, energies, etc...but that day it was sooo strong. At first, I asked if he was ticklish, and I reached his legs and tickled him. Was he ever!! We were in the backseat as his dad drove on...and I felt a magnetic pull a connection and slowly he started to tickle me...and our hands began to lock.....eyes locking......intense stares....emotions, hormones, whatever, all rolled into one.....our faces got closer and closer and I started to instinctly make circles in his hands where ones minor chakras lie. He did the same to my sensitive.....closer....faces closer....lips getting closer...but
BUT we totally werent going to kiss while his dad was driving in the front along with his little bro. We walked around stonehenge, it was BEAUTIFUL, and then came back home, doing the same tickling, energy was amazing.
We werent looking for kinda found us out. I know that we are totally perfect for each other...through the ups and downs and all that just know....
2.5 years have past...we mark our anniversary on the summer solstice....21st of June....and we are going strong...whether we might feel weak at times by the distance or not. Its a beautiful thing....and I feel so blessed to have him in my life, and life without him, I cant imagine and wouldnt want to...
I once had a clairvoyant family friend say to me...when i was are going to have a relationship with a guy named John...John Lennon I said? Since i was obsessed with the beatles....she said Jon with a different spelling(which I did my freshman year of uni)...and then she said.....and Jason...but also a different spelling(he spells it Jassen)....Jen, you have a thing for J names! I dont really recall that last bit but my mom reminded me of this a few years