To answer all of your questions, yes I do have a job. I make about $400 biweekly and recently got a raise, and also got asked to be promoted to become a baker, which is better pay, although I would have to work all nights, from 11pm to around 7 in the morning and I would have to be mobile because they might move me to a different location, depending where they would need bakers most. I was thinking about reapplying for that job, though I don't have a car, yet my dad says it would be good hours and good pay.
I left the passport in my mother's purse because I do not want to cause any further conflict with her.
I agree that the relationship with my mother is unstable and rocky at the moment. She is somewhat like a Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. We have very different views on certain issues and I believe that she is probably a little hurt that I am not going to church anymore (partly due to work but also because I don't feel that it is the right place for me.) I also agree that she is afraid to cut the cord, and afraid of me leaving the house.
My dad understands that I am an adult, and I believe that if it weren't for my mom dictating about my choices of going over there, he would allow me to go. He seems to like my boyfriend, and does listen when I talk about him, where as my mom just rolls her eyes or complains.
For now, I am paying off what I owe my mom, because she paid for my college when I went back in fall 2009. That is almost fully paid off. There are also some other money complications with her. Her cat has recently got a urinary tract infection and I am helping her pay the vet bills for that. She's also afraid of my sister and her boyfriend of moving out by January because when they paid their rent, it helped her with payments off for what they did to make that space livable.
Thank you for all of the responses everyone. You are really helping me thinking things over.