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Topic: US Router and IP Phone  (Read 1466 times)

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US Router and IP Phone
« on: October 16, 2010, 01:35:00 AM »
Does anyone know if a router from the US and the IP phone that I use would work in the UK? That is would I still be able to make and recieve calls on the US number while connected to the internet in the UK? Would I need a transfomer for the router? Thanks for any information!

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Re: US Router and IP Phone
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2010, 10:19:41 AM »
We brought our US Vonage router with us and happily make/receive calls on our US number every day.  I didn't need a power converter -- just an adaptor for plug itself (check the power rating on the plug to see what you need!).  It's been working well for 2 years.   ;D

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Re: US Router and IP Phone
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2010, 10:44:26 AM »
I've been using one since 2005 - for calls to/from DH before we were married and now we use it to keep in touch with his family in the US. He sent it to me in the post and it did/does need a power converter but I expect that would depend on the model. Finding the converter was easy enough, I'm pretty sure it came from www.maplin.co.uk in case yours does need it :)

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Re: US Router and IP Phone
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2010, 12:19:14 AM »
Thank you so much for this information - I wasn't sure if it would be possible, but that is awesome, awesome, awesome news!

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Re: US Router and IP Phone
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2010, 01:50:44 AM »
I wish I'd thought to ask this before I got rid of my Vonage adapter a while back!  It went, along with lots of other things, on the basis that 'well, I won't be able to use this anyway.'   I still have at little USB key adapter, which is fine for just making calls from my computer, though I'd rather get another actual phone adapter, so that I can plug in a proper cordless phone.

Have most people kept their U.S. Vonage accounts/numbers, or has anyone switched to a U.K. account, with a U.S. number added on?  That's kind of what I'd been planning to do, since I don't have a current U.S. account.  I think I worked it out, and it would be around 12 quid a month to have it set up with unlimited calls to the U.S. and a U.S. number for family to phone me at.  And for an extra 2 quid, we could add Australia, and my FMIL can phone her sister, too.  So, even at 14 quid per month, I think it's still a bit cheaper than an unlimited calling account in the U.S.?

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