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Topic: Facebook rant!  (Read 10016 times)

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Facebook rant!
« on: October 24, 2010, 10:59:45 AM »
I think we all have friends or family members on Facebook who tend to put way too much information out there or update on their babies live or pregnancy! Or worse, they update about every little thing that happens in their lives. Don't get me wrong I love being able to connect with people and with some of them it's the only way we keep in touch but FFS it can be super annoying at time.  ::)

Some examples from people I know:
"I have to poop"
"I'm hungry"

or they update every 5-10 minutes with things that are just stupid and clog up my news feeds.   
"Going to work now" 10 minutes later..."I'm at work".

The pregnancy/baby updates:
"my baby is sleeping" 20 minutes later "my baby woke up and now I am going to feed her"
"I have peed 13 times in 20 minutes"
"I just felt the baby kick" Now that is really sweet and nice..the first couple times BUT I don't really need to know about EVERYTIME this happens.  :-\\\\

I just figured I would use this thread as a place to vent about them.  :P

Anyone else find this annoying? Or do I just need to chill...

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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 11:07:45 AM »
I only post on FB when I think I have something very interesting or witty to say, which isn't that often.

These people sound sad and lonely, in desperate need of attention.

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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 11:14:27 AM »
I only post on FB when I think I have something very interesting or witty to say, which isn't that often.

Me too! I think that is why it annoys me so much! I in the last month have probably updated my status MAYBE 2 or 3 times. I have people on my friends list who update 2 or 3 times in an hour!

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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 11:16:48 AM »
The thing that I can't stand right now is people who have an application on their phone that posts their current location to Facebook and Twitter. I don't care that you're at the Farmer's Market. I don't care that you're at the grocery store. I don't care that you're at the gym. Frankly, I find it a little stalkery and I'd rather people NOT know where I am at any given time!

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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 11:25:17 AM »
The thing that I can't stand right now is people who have an application on their phone that posts their current location to Facebook and Twitter. I don't care that you're at the Farmer's Market. I don't care that you're at the grocery store. I don't care that you're at the gym. Frankly, I find it a little stalkery and I'd rather people NOT know where I am at any given time!

I kind of like that!  ;D

But I do get tired of hearing about babies' pooping habits, etc.
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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 11:27:24 AM »
I totally agree with you on that one too Bmore! It was made for stalkers.

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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 11:45:34 AM »
I agree with you guys. People seem to think everyone's interested in everything they do. I only have one friend that had a baby but she did update and still does every little thing that her baby does and it's been over a year now.

What really really bugs me is when people have a fun night out (usually with lots of drinking) and they post up like 100 photos of them being really drunk. I just wonder if this is supposed to make other people feel bad that they don't party as much or that they don't particularly like drinking?

Facebook just annoys me in general uggghhh.  >:(
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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2010, 11:52:48 AM »
If I waited until I had anything interesting to say, I'd never post a status update. :-[

Actually, I only get REALLY annoyed by the ones which my sister does once in a while.  She organises all this crap for church groups, and when she wants to broadcast a new event, she SPAMS the feed every hour or so ("Attention all members of the MOTHERS OF YOUNG SPROGS of the Holy Baptist and Light of the Ever-loving Redeemer and Saviour Church of East Hillbilly Corners [she moved down south and to the really rural bit of down south], we will be holding our 7th annual grill-out [cos she talks like them now] and clothes drive WEATHER PERMITTING on Saturday at 2 PM.  Please show your support.  If you've signed up for a chore, please be at the church no later than 11 am.  I am fixing to [again, she talks like them now] call the pastor to make sure he will be there.  Remember ladies, we're counting on you.)   I want to teach her about filters or mass messaging, but she doesn't take constructive criticism well.

And don't get me started on the modern version of a chain email that is the bulk status update where people try to guilt people into posting how they have been touched by cancer, miscarriage, gun violence, whatever or that they have a mother, sister, husband, kid, that they love beyond measure.   They usually have some statistic like "93% of people won't change their status".  There's probably a reason for that, and it's likely nothing to do with them being complete jerks or lucky/unlucky enough to not have the update relate to their lives at all.

Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2010, 12:21:42 PM »
what i cant stand is the attention whores and drama queens

- "Oh I wish I was pretty!" -(obviously wanting people to say oh you are pretty!!!)
- "Oh I am single now because such and such cheated on me!"
and i hate when people end of argueing with each other on status messages. There will be about 100 comments on a single status going back and forth with each other

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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2010, 12:33:21 PM »
Ink, I'm totally with you!! I'm dead sick of people talking about not being pretty but having 50+ pictures of themselves posing in front of mirrors. Although at least on facebook you can ignore statuses. In real life you can't and that's worse because you have to respond with a stupid compliment for the 1000th time.  ::)

Oh I have another complaint about facebook haha. I hate when people that were mean to you in your childhood decide to add you and then you realize it's just because they want to nosey into your life.
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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2010, 12:44:40 PM »
And don't get me started on the modern version of a chain email that is the bulk status update where people try to guilt people into posting how they have been touched by cancer, miscarriage, gun violence, whatever or that they have a mother, sister, husband, kid, that they love beyond measure.   They usually have some statistic like "93% of people won't change their status".  There's probably a reason for that, and it's likely nothing to do with them being complete jerks or lucky/unlucky enough to not have the update relate to their lives at all.

Yup. I ignore those. It seems to be the same few people who post those things over and over and over again.
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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2010, 01:16:04 PM »
Oh yes, when people were doing that "Where do you like your handbag?" to "raise cancer awareness", I was so annoyed.  First of all, you are not raising cancer awareness in any way shape or form by posting a cryptic status update that is meant to make the menfolk think you are talking about sex *teehee*

Another pet peeve of mine is people who are dating, married etc, posting their fights, issues, what have you on their walls for the world to see.  If you are in a relationship, there has to be a better way of communicating your issues with one another.
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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2010, 01:23:14 PM »
Another pet peeve of mine is people who are dating, married etc, posting their fights, issues, what have you on their walls for the world to see.  If you are in a relationship, there has to be a better way of communicating your issues with one another.

I know a couple that does this. They openly fight on wall post and every few weeks or so one of them will change the relationship status to "is in a complicated relationship" then days later they are "married to xxxx" again. Why put that out there for all to see!?!?

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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2010, 01:49:37 PM »
Facebook is just a very, very poor match for my online interests. That's exactly why my facebook friends consist solely of family or friends I've known long enough to be family. Knowing someone back in high school does not make them my friend. Working with someone does not automatically make them my friend. Not to mention I am genuinely not especially interesting. It's a small group and I update about once a week since I'm so far away and it's not like we're likely to run into each other and talk about what's going on. For personal things - they go in a journal and for real communication we'll take it to email or phone.
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Re: Facebook rant!
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2010, 01:57:16 PM »
So many things about Facebook annoy me :D

The xmas number one thing drives me insane. Firstly I absolutely hate how people are already talking about it, secondly who cares who the xmas number one is and thirdly the birdy song?! Why replace one musical travesty with another? If you're that anti-xfactor why not show it by not watching it?!

One of my friends is a lesbian, which is good for her etc, but every single status she posts is a about LGBT politics in a really militant way (i.e refers to straight people as breeders) or some ranty thing about how someone in Boots was rude to her because she's gay. Really? I think people in Brighton are used to gay people by now, and I know for a fact she's not like this in real life, so why is she so militant online? So many people post extreme political stuff online and they don't seem like that in public, or don't seem racist but then join terrible "Polish people take all our jobs" groups

I've had about 30-50 attempted adds from people I went to school with, most of those I never even knew! And the couple I did know and added then never say anything to me, no "how you doing message?" or anything, it's purely nosiness OR a couple of people have said "Hi, how you doing, I hear you're a producer now, are you working in London, are there any jobs going at your office?" Like seriously? The last time I met you you were flunking your GCSEs, what makes you think I could get you a  job? I can offer you some advice, look at your CV, recommend a recruiter or whatever, but unless you happen to be in the same industry as me already I can hardly recommend you to my work based on us having German class together 13 years ago.

The "90% of people wont post this" statuses also really annoy me!

I like this by the way - http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-privacy-2009-02

several good ways to move people around so only work people can see stuff, or friends or whatever.

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