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Topic: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss  (Read 2138 times)

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Re: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2010, 09:13:27 PM »
LOL Finally someone who puts words to my exact feelings about Jamie Oliver!  So glad I am not the only one :)

Also, totally unrelated to his cooking skills, I can not stand looking at Jamie Oliver. His face reminds me of a petulant 4 year old and I just want to Supernanny him.
Aww.  I think he is adorable!   [smiley=smitten.gif]

We've been watching the series and I was inspired to do a cauliflower and squash curry, but I used my own spice combo and not a jarred curry paste, (I rarely follow any recipe exactly unless it's something totally brand new and I need to see what it's supposed to turn out like), and of course it all took me way longer than 30 minutes.  You've got to be a whiz at multi-tasking, chopping, etc (plus I don't bother with a food processor, etc.) to get it all done in only 30 mins.

Hubby did his cauliflower macaroni and cheese (minus the bacon since I'm veggie) and it turned out super yummy!  I think some of his tips are really good like crush the garlic without bothering to peel it, cook butternut squash with the skin still on (though I couldn't bring myself to actually do it!), etc.
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Re: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2010, 09:44:54 PM »
We have two Jamie Oliver cookbooks and really like most of the stuff in them.  We've learned that everything that needs to reduce will take 4 times longer than he predicts so when it says "pour in can of $whatever, then add a can-full of water - bring to boil and simmer for 30minutes" we only add half a can and plan to simmer for an hour.

We've never particularly tried his 30 minute meals but there have been nights when we thought something would take an hour and it took three.

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Re: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2010, 09:51:39 AM »
I've not watched this series but have noticed the olive oil thing on some of his other ones.

Hehe, we have a joke around the flat about Jamie's "little drizzle of olive oil".  Just a little more, a little more, a little more...hehe

My husband did take me to his restaurant in Bath for my birthday and the food there was absolutely amazing.
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Re: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2010, 03:35:49 PM »
I think some of his stuff is fine.  His oven roasted chicken is the best method for making it IMO (although I haven't tried the beer can chicken that everyone seems to love). I always modify his stuff, but the general idea that cooking doesn't have to be intimidating, and that fresh ingredients are easy to use is a good one.  Plus, he has pushed for more use of free range and humane rearing in poultry, eggs, and other meat.

I have actually found things to like about all the celebrity chefs/cookbook people here.  Well, all except Gordon Ramsey.  I don't bother with him.  I find him too repellent.

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Re: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2010, 03:47:13 PM »
Hehe, we have a joke around the flat about Jamie's "little drizzle of olive oil".  Just a little more, a little more, a little more...hehe

My husband did take me to his restaurant in Bath for my birthday and the food there was absolutely amazing.

I made the comment to DH that he puts olive oil on everything also.  I use TONS of olive oil when I'm cooking (I just love it and put it on pretty much everything) but I use it WHILE I'm cooking...not after.  No matter what he makes, he's always drizzling olive oil on after it's done to "make it shiny".  I've also noticed (aside from the mint and lemon) that he uses a lot of chilis.

I think he's super cute in a weird not sexy kind of way.

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Re: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2010, 04:08:24 PM »
Yes about the chillis! He uses them in every dish!

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Re: Jamies 30 minute meals...discuss
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2010, 11:16:10 PM »
oh thank bob there are people out there who agree with me.  He drives me nuts!  His 'bruv's and 'brother's especially.  I watched an episode or two of his America series just to see what he focused on, and he would always ramp up the 'bruvs' when he was around any non-white person.  It was positively cringeworthy. 

I've seen bits and pieces of other shows of his, and I recall picking up some good tips on how to make roast potatoes properly.  Everything else seems to be as described above- wallowing in olive oil, and creating far too much mess in the kitchen.  We don't all have staff and/or dishwashers, Jamie.   >:(  (tbf most TV chefs do that last bit!  I just choose to be tough on him because he annoys me.)

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