Hello everyone
I've been on this site for about a couple years now, but my visits have been sporadic and I only really posted about finding information on getting to the UK. Now that I'm here, I've ventured out of the visa forum (until it's time for ILR, and the madness begins again).
I've lived here going on 5 months now. I have my up days and down days. I find the homesickness and depression hits when I get a moment to myself; all the daily thoughts and pangs I suppress get a chance to surface and I realize that yes, there are things I do miss about the life I once had. Although 5 months is a short time in the grand scheme of things, I can't help but sometimes feel like it was a lifetime away that I was in California. The memories mainly come in fragments, much like recalling moments in childhood.
In a way I sometimes feel like my life really was catapulted into the future, and that I somehow missed a step in between - that there wasn't really a transition period. I'm 23 years old. I left my family home and came straight to England to live with my husband for the first time. Life just feels so
fast now, and while that scares me at times, the speed with which it moves prevents me from dwelling in melancholic thoughts.
I currently work in retail. It was the first job I applied for here. It gets me out of the house and being productive, so I can't really complain. It's the last environment I really saw myself working in because crowds of people tend to give me panic attacks. I've never been a social butterfly and I've accepted that it's just not my personality to be. The societal mold is that outgoing=successful, therefore people want to bring me out of my shell. Many comment that I'm too quiet, or that I'll eventually "grow out of" the "shyness". I just prefer to contemplate and observe my surroundings rather than bring attention to myself. I'd rather talk one-on-one than in a group setting.
I really love nature. I'd live in a forest if I could. I hate feeling confined, physically or mentally. I'm always seeking a new adventure, but there's never the time/money for it. I like to read, but it has to be set in a historical period (pre-1900s) because I'm already living now. History interests me. I have an ever-growing tea collection and like to try new ones (finding the selection really limited here, though). I play some computer games, either on my own or with DH. My mainstay is The Sims because I like to envision, then build and create.
And I think that's about it for now.