My (German) husband and I (US citizen) have entered the US together 10+ times, and every time we've just gone through the US citizen queue. The 'foreign' queue in the US always seems to be miles long and slower than cold molasses.
The advice above is good, though- it's good to ask, because sometimes (on the US side, anyway) the desks on the US citizen side won't be equipped for all the rigmarole they need to put non-citizens through (eg, they won't have the retina scanners, or the fingerprint taking things). At Dulles they seem to have installed them at every counter now, so it hasn't been an issue.
My re-entry into the UK is under different terms than for those of you in US-UK marriages, so my information there isn't applicable to you. I won't muddle up the thread with it.

Hope you enjoy your first Thanksgiving! It's a nice holiday. Be sure to watch the parade on TV, and/or some NFL football. oh oh, and Home Alone. It was always on TV around 7pm, iirc...