However, tuition fees in the UK only date a few years ago, back to Blair. So if I were a student who grew up expecting free uni, then was expected to pay £3K per year, then was suddenly expected to pay £9K per year, I would definitely be upset.
Yeah, my mum didn't have to pay any tuition fees for her university degree back in the '70s... on top of that, she had no student loans and was actually awarded grants to pay for university!
My brother and I started university in 2001 (me) and 2004 (him) and we only had to pay £1,100 per year (our parents paid it for us, but they could only just afford the cost). We did have to take out student loans for living costs though (I borrowed about £13,000 over 4 years and with interest, it's already gone up to more than £16,000 and I'm likely to be paying it off for at least another 20 years).
My youngest brother started university last year and is paying £3,300 per year in tuition fees. Our parents cannot afford to pay this much, so he's having to take out a loan for his fees, plus a loan for his living costs every year... that's about £6,000-£7,000 per year, compared to the £3,000 per year that my brother and I took out just 5 years ago. We're just grateful that he started university before the new £9,000 fees were proposed!