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Topic: France US expat forums?  (Read 3803 times)

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France US expat forums?
« on: November 11, 2010, 02:57:37 PM »
Hi there,

 For a friend, does anyone know of US expats forums/blogs for expats living in France (or specifically Paris) like this site?


Re: France US expat forums?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 03:12:07 PM »
I don't know of any forums, but you may be able to find some blogs here:


Although a Brit, Petite Anglaise might give you some insight into an expat life in Paris.  IIRC, she had some American expat friends with blogs.  I can't seem to find a blog roll on her site, but maybe in some of the older entries she may have some links to their blogs:

ETA: The Petite Anglaise blog isn't focused on being an expat, but her personal life, really.  I don't really care for her style or a lot of other things about it, but it's one that sticks out in my mind.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 03:15:21 PM by Legs Akimbo »

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