As far as I know, the problem people had with the MMR was the thimerosol (thimerosal?), the preservative they used which contained a trace amount of mercury. But they stopped using thimerosol back in 1999, so any MMR shot after that time is even safer.
My dd had the jab. I have never felt that any of her problems traced back in any way to it, and since we've just finally gotten the "No autism" clear, I feel even better about my decision to immunize her. As AnneG said, I personally feel it's my duty as a member of society to immunize, since the risk to immunized children goes up when they are around non-immunized children. Diseases that should have been eradicated are making a comeback because parents are relying on the immunized kids to protect their kids, if you know what I mean.
Marlespo, you were not immune to Rubella? Me either! I had to get a booster after Dagmar was born, haven't seen my bloodwork so I don't know if it took this time. I know I was immunized before when I was young.
As far as the single injections or waiting, I'm all for that if a doc OKs it. I believe strongly in immunization, and I think if what will convince a parent to do it is letting them wait three months or get three separate shots that's what we'll do. The important thing is to get it done.