I'm sure a lot of people *have* lost their houses through medical fees when they didn't have insurance, but not all people. My mom's current rounds of chemotherapy cost $13,000 each treatment, and she is getting 10 of them. That's $130,000 that she doesn't have - AND they have no health insurance. Yes they pay a lot each month, but their hospital has set them up on a payment plan. They know perfectly well that they aren't going to get $130,000 out of my paretns, so they will take what they can get - and my parents are happy to give as much as they can. I'm sure a lot of people haven't been able to work out agreements in similar circumstances, but I can name an awful lot of people who have.
Also, every job I've ever had gave me health insurance immediately upon hire. Every single one. I'm sure, again, that there are jobs out there who don't offer it for the first 90 days, but saying "most" - I think - is an overstatement.