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Re: Health Insurance upon first arrival in US?
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2004, 01:00:45 PM »

But even if you don't have insurance, you will never be denied emergency treatment.  The government give hospitals some money (not enough) each year to cover health care of the uninsured.  Just be sure to bring enough routine stuff, ie birth control pills and such, to last until your health coverage kicks in. 

Thanks for pointing this out, Beccaboo.  Despite what it may seem, or what some people may think, the US healthcare industry is in the business of helping people. 

Job loss is actually by far the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the US, not medical bills, especially since there are states (I live in one) where your house CANNOT be taken from you to cover debts.

The hospital will work out a payment plan with you.  They will not let you die/lose a limb/suffer permanent damage simply because you have no insurance.  My FIL is still paying off his cancer treatment, yes-but he got the treatment, and it was the same quality treatment anyone else got.  He walked into the ER one day, said, "I have cancer and need to speak to someone about treatment," and that was that.  One week later he had his first radiation treatment.  Nobody just showed up to take his stuff to pay his debts-they worked with him and arranged an amount he could pay.  Speaking as the daughter of an ER nurse, I can promise you that even if he had been homeless and could afford NOTHING he still would have goten the same treatment.

Nobody's saying it's the best system in the world-just that it isn't some kind of cruel lottery that bleeds everyone dry either. 

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Re: Health Insurance upon first arrival in US?
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2004, 01:24:09 PM »
Sorry but I just fail to see why debates have to turn into personal attacks.  You know what?  Live where in the hell you feel the most comfortable.  Until you have lived in both places don't comdemn one or the other and even if you have lived in both be respectful that many do not feel the same way you do.  Some of us like both places and can see the good and the bad.  I mean everyone has a right to their opinions, but for petes sake attacking one another because we have different views is just pathetic.  Sorry.  I try to keep quite about many contraversial things, but I am truly pissed off at this now. 

Instead of offering some decent advice so people can be aware of the challanges and benefits of each system people start brandishing words like swords and throwing stones. 

I just don't get it.  I really don't.  :-\\\\

Both systems need help.  You don't care about the money issue and being in debt?  Guess what the UK has paid doctors as well.  Go private.  Want to be insured in the USA?  Get a job that has decent benefits.  Don't like one or the other?  Move or fight to make the lesser of two evils in your mind better.  Do not attack people for having different views or act like only your choosen system is the be all and end all becuase is it not.

Going to go back into my shell now.
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Re: .
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2004, 10:21:57 PM »
vnp, sorry if my post was harsh, but I think several of us just felt put off by the fact that our valid ideas and plans were put down as irresponsible or unfounded. theres a difference between advice and critism for the sake of being critical. I guess I personally lost my rag because Im tired of having legitimate opinions and advice stepped on, I felt I had to say something. Though some to-the-point questions were made, I dont think any personal attacks have taken place and Im sorry if anyone else has felt that way.

Id like to continue this thread if anyone has anything further, the topic is still at the forefront of my brain these days :)

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