This doesn't mean we don't try to make airports secure, it just means we get smarter at security. The body scanners and pat downs are Big Dumb Security, and terrorists know how to beat Big Dumb Security.
You're preaching to the choir, but nobody seems to have figured out what "smart security" is (or at least not a smart security that they're comfortable implementing, as E2W's post alludes to).
Part of the problem of security measures is the bureaucracy knows that the fingers of blame will start pointing before the smoke clears from the next incident, so you wind up with a government that implements lots of flashy big security measures that they can point to in order to reassure the population that they're doing something about the problem.
Without putting everyone in a medically induced coma, stacking the bodies on the plane like cordwood, and revicing them at the other end, someone's going to figure out a way past any security setup.
I used to joke that the next step after body scanners is we'll all fly naked, duct taped to our seats like victims of a mass kidnapping. I hadn't thought of the coma idea though. My guess is the airlines would love it because it would allow them to put more people on one airplane.
{edited to add} Just saw an interesting quote about this:
"If you look at all the recent terrorist incidents, the bombs were detected because of human intelligence not because of screening ... If even a fraction of what is spent on screening was invested in the intelligence services we would take a real step toward making air travel safer and more pleasant."
-- Marijn Ornstein, chief of security, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam