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Topic: Inconvenient Annoyances  (Read 611111 times)

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5400 on: May 25, 2013, 08:08:26 AM »
My IA: One of my volunteers ran into one of my old managers from work and when she found out I was still at the job she said, "They'll be taking her out of there in a coffin."  ???  Now what the heck is *that* supposed to mean?!  Just because she was (is still?) miserable....  It's not really a phrase used to describe an energetic, fun person like me in any capacity.  Not nice.  >:(

Andee~ So sorry you were on the receiving end of such ugliness but try to let it roll off your back. You're spot on to notice the source- her misery. No sense in letting it get to you. Let it bounce off your good energy! There are miserable people everywhere, wrapped up in the woe of their stories. Your fun, energetic story sounds way better! Keep smiling! [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif]
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5401 on: May 25, 2013, 12:07:26 PM »
Um, are you sure it was meant as an insult? I've always heard that expression used to mean that someone wants to stay in their job as long as possible. I worked with a lady who didn't retire until she was 75, and she used to say that all the time from when she got to retirement age; whenever people would ask when she was retiring, she would say, 'Oh, they'll be carrying me out of here in a box!' So I would assume she meant that she expects you'll stay in that job long-term, rather than that it will kill you!
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5402 on: May 25, 2013, 01:30:28 PM »
Agree with DrSuper... i would not have taken that as an insult.  In my job, we have people who have been there 30+ years, and we call them 'lifers'.  Same thing.... it just means you have been there a long time and probably intend to stick around for the long haul.  I don't see any offence in that comment.

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5403 on: May 25, 2013, 06:18:30 PM »
So I would assume she meant that she expects you'll stay in that job long-term, rather than that it will kill you!
I totally didn't think of it that way at all, it could have been what she meant.

Agree with DrSuper... i would not have taken that as an insult. 
I won't.  I guess it's not an expression I've heard before.

Anyway, I intend to stay somewhere until I decide I want to move on.  I've always been like that.  Could be another year, could be a decade.  Who knows?

Andee~ So sorry you were on the receiving end of such ugliness but try to let it roll off your back. You're spot on to notice the source- her misery. No sense in letting it get to you. Let it bounce off your good energy! There are miserable people everywhere, wrapped up in the woe of their stories. Your fun, energetic story sounds way better! Keep smiling! [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif]
Thanks Courtney!  :)  :-* She may not have intended it as an insult, but I still don't like the expression at all (a bit morbid).
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5404 on: June 06, 2013, 02:48:10 PM »
Two days off in a row, yesterday and today, with the enjoyable thought of sleeping in. Horrible leg cramps that wouldn't let up for over 20 minutes each day, had me up 15 minutes after my normal waking time.  [smiley=bomb.gif] With work and all our projects around here, I feel like a zombie from exhaustion. Maybe my next day off..
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5405 on: June 06, 2013, 02:53:58 PM »
Maybe you need potassium, Tama. Eat bananas  :D
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5406 on: June 06, 2013, 05:08:10 PM »
It's beautiful out, but I forgot how much I despise having the windows open in the summer here. I had the window open for 20 minutes, and about 3 bees/flies came in, and a spider managed to get in and start creating a web. Ugh  >:(

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5407 on: June 06, 2013, 06:57:55 PM »
It's beautiful out, but I forgot how much I despise having the windows open in the summer here. I had the window open for 20 minutes, and about 3 bees/flies came in, and a spider managed to get in and start creating a web. Ugh  >:(

Ugh indeed! I hate that.

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5408 on: June 07, 2013, 08:05:37 AM »
Yes, I hate the bugs and wasps inside.  But even more, I hate not being able to open a lot of the windows -- they're either painted or screwed shut (we've had a lot of burglaries  >:()
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5409 on: June 07, 2013, 03:00:43 PM »
I thought of this thread because there is now a wasp in my conservatory. Go away! I hate you.  >:(

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5410 on: June 07, 2013, 03:03:10 PM »
Aww, I just herd the bees & wasps on through - they come in through the back porch area, fly through the house & out the front windows. Or, if they are sitting still, or mostly still, on the window, I clap something like a small yoghurt or cream container over them, slide a piece of card underneath, and help them back outside.  :)

We all know that bees are our friends, and really wasps are too - they help to keep other insect populations down.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 03:05:05 PM by Mrs Robinson »
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5411 on: June 08, 2013, 11:52:15 PM »
Maybe you need potassium, Tama. Eat bananas  :D

Oddly enough, I do eat bananas and potatoes, and take two potassium supplements a day. I can tell I am still not getting enough because I suffer horrible leg and foot cramps nearly daily, if not daily most of the time. I think it is time to get checked out. My maternal grandma ate the heck out of bananas and took supplements and stayed depleted for some reason. Maybe it is genetic. (?)
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5412 on: June 09, 2013, 12:16:14 PM »
It may be magnesium that your body is asking for. Whenever I have a (mercifully very rare) nighttime leg cramp, I start taking magnesium supplements, and these are able to rid me of cramps every time, and very quickly.

Another one is calcium, these minerals seem to help muscles relax and work together in some way.

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5413 on: June 09, 2013, 11:43:38 PM »
I'll give the magnesium a try too. Not only do I have night time cramps, I also have days where all I have to do is lift either foot off the floor and it goes into a cramp.
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #5414 on: June 10, 2013, 04:37:41 PM »
Ouch. Looks like you are having a really rough time with the cramps. If magnesium does not help after a month or so, maybe worth talking to a doctor to get to the bottom of this.

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