IA 1. People at work asking me to bring them back something 'anything' from the UK. IF I bring back a souvenir for every one of them, I won't have room for souvenirs for my family, or even my clothes.
IA 2. The next person who asks if they can hop in my suitcase is going to get smacked. Those who ask for the 100th time 'You're still planning to put me in your suitcase, right?" are going to be flattened by a mean right hook I don't even know I have, but will discover as I am whapping them one.
There seems to be a bit of 'happy for you jealousy' going on with a lot of co-workers because we can afford this trip and they can't. Of course, they all seem to want to work as little as possible, all spend $10 - 20 a week in the vending machine, stop for coffee on the way to work instead of making it at home or getting it free at work, insist on more expensive trainers than their paycheck really allows, and talk about this and that which all takes money they don't have. Of course, they'd have more money if they weren't trying to run out the door as early as possible every day. Some of them barely clear 20 hours a week, because they want out so quickly.
I'm not saying we don't waste money either, but we put in enough hours that we can save AND have fun along the way.