You're welcome!
I got an iPhone 5C when I came over in Feb of 2014 and I have T-Mobile. The 36 GBP includes the phone, which is awesome! I'm amazed with how inexpensive phone plans are here! I would suggest finding out from local people where you are what mobile company has the best service, because it can REALLY vary from company to company.
Yeah, I have to say that when I first moved over, my card was just a swipe card and getting the cashiers to do that was a bit of a struggle at times. I had a few who didn't even know how to do a swipe transaction! haha.
I have to say, it's awesome that you can order groceries online! And, even if it's not the funnest, most stores have next day delivery and you can do in store exchanges. I'm sure you'll be able to get your CC's figured out!