I really, truly and completely HATE job hunting. Mere words can't explain my loathing for the whole process.
Chris has moved on to run his own business. As best friend and number one cheerleader, I couldn't be happier for him. However, that means a new boss. Only two people applied for it. One knew most of the job anyway, had taken a lot of the online courses that were job specific for the hotel, was respected by everyone, dedicated, mature, fair, organized, a people person, and wells suited for the job all the way around. The other has quit and come back 4 times, is immature, petulant, vindictive (as an employee) a slob, self centered, spoiled and definitely not boss material.... but has a degree in hospitality. Guess who got the job. Chris doesn't have a degree in hospitality, and did the job just fine, without one. We consistently ranked #1 in town as a Holiday Inn Express, over a really swanky Marriott.
Everything has changed. Hours have been cut, rules have changed, 'punishment' for not doing wrong is juvenile, there is no talking to her about anything because everything is met with 'I'm not going to argue with you', when you are simply trying to have a calm discussion, some new rules aren't even made known until they are broken.
And then there is the favoritism.. One of her friends was given a promotion that should have been mine, nevermind the fact there were 8 more people after me in seniority before her. The reason I didn't get it was because I was on holiday. Someone could have covered for the 4 days I wouldn't have been there. So now the friend is very smug around me. I could overlook that, but to deal with that, the new rules I have not been told about until I break them, the fact I'd lost my hours in one department over something the other woman in that department didn't do (and I was out of town at the time), and the fact I am now down to 26 hours a week from 37 to 40, it is all too much. I went to battle over those hours, and won them back. When she told me she didn't want to argue with me, I told her I wasn't arguing, I was having a civil, adult discussion and deserved to be heard.
I have been in management as a general manager of a Subway, assistant manager of a grocery store, and a shift manager at a Wendy's. I know how the game is to be played. She is playing the 'I'm the boss so it is all about what I want, not what is best for all' game.
Rant over, but I truly hate job hunting. Especially in winter when a lot of places are slower and not taking on.