I'm so sorry you've had such a terrible experience. I don't understand how in a nationalized system there can be such a difference in care from place to place. I have found that I have to specifically ask for what I want (for example, I'm asking for a referral to a pediatric dermatologist this afternoon when I take my eczema-ridden son to the GP), but generally I get it without much trouble. Maybe that's not the usual British way? The GPs usually seem relieved that they don't have to think too much about it! Which, now that I'm typing this, may be the issue - it sounds like you're not sure what's up and the GPs are being terribly unhelpful in figuring it out, rather than you know what you need and just need someone to OK it.
But still, that totally sucks that you're in this situation. Which is definitely more than an Inconvenient Annoyance!