Also, our council gives us 80 bin bags a year. My husband is like the bin bag nazi. He gets REALLY annoyed if we have more than one bag in a week. We have HUNDREDS of bags as we’ve used so few over the years. Don’t get me wrong, I am very pleased that we are not throwing things unnecessarily into landfills. But he goes very extreme!
My council have single-stream recycling (all recyclables mixed together in the same bag(s)), collected fortnightly, they give free bags for the recycling collection, and there is no limit to the number of bags of recycling we can put out each fortnight. I usually put out 1 to 3 bags (Amazon shopping really fills up those bags!).
We also have a food waste bin that is for all compostables, collected every week.
And, finally, we have rubbish collection in the alternate weeks to the recycling collection. We are limited to four rubbish bags per fortnight (so, two bags a week). If I ever have to put out more than 1 rubbish bag in the fortnight, I feel like we have failed. BUT we don't have kids. It's just the two of us. And with the unlimited recycling and the food waste, it's easy to make 1 rubbish bag stretch to two weeks.