My IA is dangerous behaviour from my FIL. (I hope I'm not being unreasonable)
Back story: DH and I live with FIL. SIL, 4.5 year old nephew and 2.5 year old niece come over 3 days a week, usually so FIL can babysit one of the kids (another thing that irks me, but I've complained about that before). We don't have kids of our own, but I've worked in childcare and with kids for years and I think I've got a pretty good grasp on kids (as a non-parent). When we go back to visit my family, we spend a lot of time with our 4 year old nephew and we know we're good with him and we see normal parenting & caretaking skills in my brother, his wife and my parents. In my opinion, FIL is a terrible caretaker and I (DH agrees) will never leave our kids-to-be with him alone.
Yesterday was hotter than George Clooney, but in a bad way. It was a day that 4.5 year old nephew comes over and FIL babysits him all day. Usually they sit at home, eat ice cream (starting at 9am!!) and watch TV. Sometimes they go to the park or take a bus to the bus garage and watch the buses (whether it's freezing out or way too hot, they watch the buses while sitting outside - don't get me started). I try to be out of the house when SIL and/or kids are over. It's stressful being here and seeing the way they treat the kids and what they get away with, so it's easier to just be gone.
I cooled off in Ikea yesterday (lovely air con) and when I got back and DH got home, DH asked FIL what he and nephew did since it was so hot.
Sidenote: FIL isn't much of a talker (in a rude way) and will often turn the volume up on the TV while you're talking. When my parents came over to visit from the US, FIL turned ON the TV when they arrived. I promptly turned it off. All the sofas face the TV.
DH: So what did you and nephew get up to today?
FIL: Oh, nothing much. I just took him to Windsor Castle.
(me, washing dishes, thinking about how hot it was)
Me: I hope you brought lots of water. It was really hot!
FIL: I had brought a bottle, but we ran out.
(me, reminding myself never to leave kids with FIL)
DH: Oh, did you buy some? It was really hot out!
(DH knows FIL will never buy anything out of the house or use any public facilities. No water, no food, no toilets. Growing up with him sounded hard.)
FIL: No. I didn't want to buy more water. I just wanted to watch him suffer. (awkward giggle from FIL)
(I stop washing dishes because sh!t just got real)
Me: But it was really hot out. They've warned people to stay out of the sun and stay hydrated, especially young kids.
FIL: Yeah, I just wanted to see him suffer. (more awkward laughing)
(me, wondering if I need to call the UK equivalent of CPS)
DH: When it's this hot, it's easy to get dehydrated and get heat stroke. That's really serious.
FIL: Yeah, he was complaining about not having any energy, but I wasn't going to buy him more water.
Me: It's really unsafe and dangerous to not be hydrated when it's this hot.
FIL: Eh... oh well! (FIL shrugs and walks back to the TV)
We tried to convince him that it was really dangerous what he did with nephew, but he went around the corner, continued watching his show on TV and turned up the volume. DH and I carried on the conversation without him while we ate dinner. DH and I are in agreement, but if FIL hears us talking more, maybe he'll realise the severity of his decisions.
Unfortunately, this isn't out of character for FIL. I've given up on him. I try to avoid him. There's no interaction besides 'Hi DIL' unless I instigate it. His answer to 'how's work' or 'anything new' is always the same - 'ummmm.... fine...' or 'ummmm... not much; same old, same old'.
I'm keeping to myself until we move out. I'm not going to get invested in anything he does or says. I decided that months ago.
This crosses the line and makes me worry about his treatment of kids. Fortunately, SIL (who I don't care for and I think is quite manipulative) is responsible for her kids and should be aware of what FIL does and doesn't do with the kids (he obviously wasn't trying to keep the water issue a secret from us, so I'm guessing it would have come up when he talked to her, too).
We move out in just under two months, if all goes to plan. I can't wait to be out of here.