TravelingFrog, I don't expect you to muster up any sympathy for what sounds like a massive beast of a FIL, but ... he sounds like he's depressed. And there's definitely some other sort of mental health issue (sociopath? paranoia? something's not right about his unwillingness to use public toilets, or buy anything to eat or drink while out) going on there. And it's a long-standing issue, given what you've said about your husband's childhood experience.
How does your FIL get food? Does he collect his own take-aways and ready meals, or does someone bring it to him?
At any rate, if you two do have kids, I hope your husband now agrees with you that your FIL will not be responsible for their care! I would never trust him with kids!
FIL does the food shopping for him and grand-FIL. It's just the two of them in the house, plus us for now - we do our own shopping.
FIL cook a big pot of curry once a week for grand-FIL but FIL buys ready made food for his meals. When the kids are over, it's either pasta with pesto from a jar or frozen food for them. When FIL gets takeaways, he gets them on his way home from work.
DH definitely agrees FIL will not have a massive role in our kids' lives (grand-FIL, too - he drives us just as crazy, but he's early to rise and early to bed, so we don't run into him much even though we live in the same house).
Neither FIL or grand-FIL talk about things that are going on in their life (they don't have much of a social life) and will often ignore problems until they get really bad. A few years back, FIL had some minor medical issues that he didn't take seriously (this was before we lived here and DH had talked to him on the phone, asking him how everything was - he didn't bring anything medical up). He eventually had to go to the hospital (drove himself - idiot!) and was diagnosed with sepsis and put in critical care. SIL knew about it before DH did. SIL called DH and asked if he was free to talk. DH was walking home with a colleague and said so. SIL said no problem and to call her when he got home. DH called her 1.5 hours later (it didn't sound urgent from her call) and found out FIL might not make it. Communication with FIL, grand-FIL, SIL and DH's aunt is just a joke. When DH's gran was in hospital, the doctors said she probably wouldn't make it. After they left the hospital, DH's family told him 'oh, don't worry - she'll be fine. go back to work - it's not problem'. DH didn't think that was right, but when everyone else is telling you something, you believe it. Well, she died the next day and it's often brought up that she was asking for him as she was going.
A big difference now is that I'm seeing the same thing DH is seeing, so we can confirm the other isn't going crazy.
They are so messed up here and I'm so glad to be leaving - just under two months to go!