Yeah, I kinda hate cell phones. Because of their owners, often.

I was on a shuttle bus to work one morning a couple of years ago. The bus had maybe 15 students (university age), me, and the driver. We saw a woman start to run from the other side of the street to catch the bus, in front of us, and she ran right in front of a car that was traveling in the opposite direction - the poor driver had no time to react. The impact threw her over the hood and she landed on her head in a crumpled heap. The driver stopped, I said someone needs to dial 911, and the driver and I got out to help her.
Turned out that several of those bastards on the bus took video and some took selfies, and posted them! And nobody on the bus called 911, except the driver, from what the police told me later. And they also got a call from someone in a passing car.
So, yeah, call me a luddite, but I'd rather cell phones didn't do anything but make calls and text messages.