Trust me as a guy , you just put off making the call when it's going to be awkward. Then it gets worse cause you put it off, then it's too big to deal with over the phone so you don't make the call.
Tell him congratulations from me, the power rangers girl is one of my favorites but not in a creepy way.
I think it's a couple things already touched on here.
1. He knows I won't be able to go on such short notice but I would definitely try and I would find a way to be there. He doesn't like a fuss being made over him. That's just not who he is.
2. Your point is valid. He will sometimes avoid awkward conversations. Like that one time he didn't tell me he quit his job and he let me ask him how it was going for a month before one of the girls told me. I was here visiting at the time.
3. Maybe it isn't that big of a deal to them and they are just being low key and he will tell me on his own timeline.
They look like teenagers!

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