For me, I felt a bit calmer during the exam as I realized I had studied enough and the questions weren't entirely alien. The nerves came back though when I was waiting for the results because I'm my own worst enemy and I started second guessing myself. Thank goodness it was too late to change anything at that point... I'm sure I would have sabotaged myself with all that niggling doubt.
Absolute worst case scenario, you take it again. But that won't happen and you'll do fine - you've got this!
This. Exactly this.
Most of the questions you will read and automatically think, "I know this one!" without having even seen the possible answers yet.
For those where you don't immediately know, as mentioned above, just flag them and move on. Do the questions you can first, then go back and review the flagged ones.
I was so nervous leading up to the test. I was reviewing flash cards at work, some of my colleagues would quiz me, I was taking notes on all the questions I'd get wrong on the practice tests. I do NOT do history. Always hated the subject in school. I can't remember dates, I'm not interested in the slightest. I was SO anxious about the test. But then I sat down on the computer and read the first question and felt so much better because it was easy peasy. With every question you recognize, your confidence will build. And then all of a sudden, it's over.
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