I've been forced to Watch three seasons of "Once Upon a Time" which is a Netflix mix of all the fairy tales. Like if Walt threw up in a bag. Right now we are starting to get the characters from Frozen. That soundtrack changed me from "Disney is okay for people who aren't cynical enough" to "I'm going to throw that DVD out the window"
Was originally a show on one of the major Networks (can't remember which one) but I watched the first few seasons of it....then the writing got absolutely crap (IMO) and I just stopped. Wasn't feeling it anymore. And that was weeelllll before Frozen got involved. Anybody that likes the idea of fairy tales in the real world should check out a graphic novel series called FABLES. It's much better
When the parks close at midnight? The bars are only open in Florida until 2am. 
Disney has some great nightlife. Check out the House of Blues. There's also a Cirque du Soleil show on site. Blue Man Group at Universal. Hard Rock Hotel and concert venue at Universal. Bars galore. Yes, you'll be fine.
I didn't realise the parks closed at midnight. I assumed they closed a few hours earlier than that. Definitely don't need to be out until 2am haha
So I phoned my sister to get her input on the whole thing (the sister I'm quite close to, not my other sister) as I found it strange she was on-board for this trip. She ALWAYS talks about how she'd rather take her kids to come see me and Disney is her idea of a nightmare and her kids aren't "Disney kids" as they don't even like fast rides (no doubt because projects her own neurosis on them. I love her but...). Phoned her up last night and she was like "......now I'm confused....because mom pitched it to me like you wanted to go for your 30th birthday......?". I told her I've NEVERRRR mentioned Disney before to my mom. The only time we had spoken about Disney was when my mom last brought it up of taking us all on a group trip but I've never actively expressed that this was what I wanted to do on a regular holiday, let alone my 30th birthday. There are many nice places I would love to go for my 30th birthday but Disney was not one of those places I envisioned. She was only on-board because she is a good sister and thought it was what I wanted to have an extra special 30th but that if I didn't want to go, she would much rather be saving to come see me.
When she told my mom that her concerns were that she was planning to come to England in June to see me, my mom apparently told her to "hold off" and that it "might not be a good idea to go just yet" because my house "isn't big enough"..... Uhh..WHAT?! There's 2 of us living in our house (2.5 if you count the dog as half a person LOL) and 3 bedrooms (2 proper sized and one smaller box room). My sister is just her, her husband, and her 2 kids under 13 who could easily share a bed. We've also just finished off our loft space for the most part meaning all 3 rooms for 4 people are open....My mom knows this was the case so we're both very confused as to what is going on and why she's trying to pitch that we don't have the space for visitors when she's been here and knows we do! (she mentioned my kitchen isn't big enough for us to cook in when her and I have both cooked in there together before just fine...it's a galley-style kitchen but it's double wide!)
We reckon that she's worked this all out in her head using her own logic as to why this is a good idea and she's just forgot to have these conversations with us. She wouldn't maliciously trick us or lie to us so we don't think she's done it to be sneaky. We think she just knows she's getting older and she's afraid of getting Alzheimers (when she's been told her brain looks fine/healthy and she's forgetting normal things for a person in their 60's to be forgetting occasionally in the moment when you're stressed. She probably has a better memory than my sister). She's always wanted to take us to Disney so we think she's worked out how this would be such a good idea in her head and she wants to do it so she can make memories with the grandchildren before it's too late. While I would do it for her sake, I just don't like the fact it was positioned like it was *MY* idea. We agreed when she's back from holiday, I will tell her that Rik and I have been chatting and we're unsure and need more information like what her financial plan is for this (we don't think she understands JUST how expensive this would be) and what her actual plan for how the week will flow is (I.E. does she think we'll all be together all the time?). I'm also going to raise how we were looking forward to my sister coming with her family to stay. Obviously if I can see her both times, that's amazing as I'd love to see her as much in a year as possible....but then she doesn't have the finances really (or the holiday time) to take too many holidays. We are going to try to talk when we're all present and see what we can work out.
Glad I spoke to her as something felt odd.