IA. I am persecuted by flying insects. They've been after me for months now. I got rid of the aphids, then the whiteflies, now it's little black flying obnoxious b#####ds!

I had pretty much gotten rid of the fungus gnats, and now this! Arrrgh!
So, the daughter is working today, and due home in a few hours. Thought I'd make her a nice French Onion soup for supper. Opened the storage bag where we keep the onions.... Did you guys see the movie "The Mummy" with Brendan Frasier? There's a scene where the almost regenerated Imotep opens his mouth and shoots masses and masses of flies at the good guys. Yeah, they were bouncing off my glasses, the little gnat-flies. A veritable swarm of them flew out of there before I could get the bag closed again. Up my nose, too! Ewwww. Turns out there was a liquid onion in the bottom of the bag! Arrrrrgh! I just got rid of all the fungus gnats from the pumpkin that we bought a few weeks ago that went rotten on the bottom on my kitchen counter! (Seriously, they apparently didn't cure the pumpkin when they harvested it. We only bought it in mid October, it should have lasted weeks if properly cured in the field!)
After washing out the onion bag I had to apply bleach to it with a cotton ball because it had dyed the bottom a blotchy brown (instead of canvas color), and then the wood shelf where it had been sitting I had to scrub and bleach. It's never going to be what it was, the onion goo has dyed it brown and I've only gotten it to a lighter brown. I opened all the windows, the bag went in the washing machine, all the onions went in the trash with the bag tied shut, I weilded the vacuum cleaner wand getting those flies that did not voluntarily leave via the open window after being urged to do so with a waved kitchen towel. My kitchen is now my own again. Only took a couple of hours.

The onion storage bag is on top of the plant shelves drying in the exhaust from the growlight unit.
I had a couple of other onions out in a different place on the shelves, so I sliced them up fine and the soup is simmering.
Today I vacuumed the house, hanged up all the clothes, ran three loads of clothing (including pillowcases and a load of delicates), wiped down all the surfaces in the kitchen and the baths, put pebbles on top of the soil in all my pots of hot peppers (to disuade fungus gnats from breeding there), cleaned out the hamster's cage, did the dishes, folded all the towels, took stock of what was in the freezer, moved some items to the fridge to defrost, did my next week Tesco shop, balanced my "checkbook", took and reported my meter reading, took all the little rugs outside to shake out, put a "peanutbutterbaconandseeds" sandwich of stale bread out for the birds in the bird feeding cage, wiped down all the windowsills, took the trash out, sorted out what tomorrow's main meal will be, disassembled and reassembled the vacuum cleaner (to get all the hair off the rollerbrush), and made a fresh pot of coffee after grinding the beans. I really didn't need flymaggeddon after all that.

And the Daughter will come home in an hour and say "do I smell onions?" and complain about being tired from dealing with the public all day. She will leave her clothes where they drop, and then ask me if I had a nice day goofing off.

Oh well.

At least the soup tastes good. Don't have the right kind of cheese to put on top, but it'll be good with a nice hunk of fresh wheatbread to eat with it.
[Edit. She liked the soup.
