Hubby's been dealing with his Crohn's for years, but the ankyolising spondialitis is new this year and nothing can be done with it until the neurology stuff is done. His rheumatologist had him do new MRIs this year and they're the one who said there is a possibility of MS and that nothing can be done until they know where it's at. He's having a rough time health-wise and I'm having a rough time mental health wise. 😶
[[hugs]] For better or for worse - it's always harder when it's "for worse" than anyone imagines at the start of things. And unless someone's gone through it, they can't really know what it's like. I wish there was something I could say to ease your burden, but I cannot think of a single thing, other than "it's not certain yet." Please don't start thinking the worst, as that will just do you more damage.
I really think that you need to find some support for your mental health. If you have a minister or a relative, or a good friend who is close to you that you can call on when you just need to talk, I think it would do you a world of good to lean on them. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on, sometime - especially if the shoulder is not directly involved in the situation. A cup of coffee and a listening ear can do a world of good. Please do find someone to talk to about what you are having to confront. Your spouse is probably terrified as well, and there are going to be things you are not going to want to discuss with him, but that you'll need to talk over with someone just to get them out.
Best of luck. If you're ever in Glasgow Lyonaria and want a cup of coffee, give a holler. I make a fairly decent cup of joe.
(Same goes for you, Rick.)