Ask Mrs Robinson. She loves Jerusalem artichokes!
LOL!! OMG, does she ever - NOT!
Balmerhon is right, I ***hate*** Jerusalem artichokes more than just about anything else that I've ever eaten. They are horrible - dead nasty!
Save yourself & feed them to the pigs! Just as the English planter John Goodver explained in
Gerard's Herbal, printed in 1621:
"which way soever they be dressed and eaten, they stir and cause a filthy loathsome stinking wind within the body, thereby causing the belly to be pained and tormented, and are a meat more fit for swine than men."DH tried every way to get me to eat them & I did eat them several times - always to my severe pain & discomfort! I mean shoot you right out of your chair stabbing pains in my guts. If it weren't for that, I'd probably eat them to be nice - but I really don't think they taste very nice either.
Rather than starch, they contain a carbohydrate called inulin (not insulin!) that some people find very difficult to digest. I am definitely one of those people - I'd never eaten anything before in my life that made me feel that wretched (apart from actual food poisoning).
When he did cook them, he usually roasted them like potatoes. One time, he sliced them very thinly and fried them into Jerusalem artichoke 'crisps'. I refuse to eat them any more - they are that horrible!