Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for trying to find a flat from a distance?
We would like to live in the Ealing area; however, we currently live near Bristol.
From what I understand, decent flats typically go on the first viewing, and most likely, what you see online isn't still available... so don't go by what's listed online. Go in person, see what's available that day, and be ready to put down a deposit for the first one you like.
Unfortunately, DH works during the week, and doesn't want to commit to a flat he's not seen himself, so our only options for any viewing are on Saturdays. I've contacted some letting agents asking to know if any of them do Saturday viewings, and none have gotten back to me. DH and I would be totally willing to go on a Saturday, look at flat after flat, and have an immediate deposit ready for the first one we like... but I just can't seem to get in touch with anyone to make this happen.
I'm beginning to get a bit nervous as my job is starting in a few weeks, and I have yet to make any progress on finding a place to live.
Any tips or advice? Anyone in the Ealing area know of reputable local letting agencies to try to get in contact with?
Many many thanks in advance!