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Topic: Top Ten of 2010  (Read 2681 times)

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Top Ten of 2010
« on: December 26, 2010, 08:38:01 PM »
We had a thread like this last year and I thought it was a lot of fun, so here goes.

What were the top ten biggest moments / events of your 2010?

Here's mine (both good and bad) in no particular order:

1. DH and I both made redundant (single most stressful event of my year. It turned our whole world upside-down for a bit - we went 10 weeks with no money coming in at all!  :o)

2. My parents came to visit (I had a big argument with my mom, but rest of the week was great and I'm glad they came, although it was a very emotional week for me, in part due to number 1, which happened a few weeks before they came.)

3. Got a job, all on my own, without the help of nepotism! (DH essentially secured my first job here at the place where he worked, hence us both being made redundant at once when our employer went bankrupt.) It felt great to be offered a job because people liked me and thought I was right for the job, rather than feeling it was down to my family and connections.  :D

4. DH being hired again at the same place under new ownership and given a raise and promotion.  ;D

5. We stopped smoking on 6th June, which means we spent more of the year as non-smokers than as smokers!  :o ;D ;D

6. Went to Leeds and met Andee for the first time, got a whirlwind tour of the city and had a great time with Mrs R and her hubster.  Also, my first train ride alone! ;D

7. My first English 4th of July party with ChillyWilly.  :P

8. Got a promotion after less than two months of employment!  :o

9. Received my ILR!  ;D

10. Buying our new 3D HD television!  :o ;D ;D

To all my friends here, who are my online family, I wish you a Happy New Year and all the best in 2011!

Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2010, 09:43:39 PM »
Mine are good and bad and in no particular order too:

1. I moved to London and LOVE it.
2. We got married and it was great.
3. My parents came out for a week and we had a blast. I cant wait until they come back next summer.
4. I got my first job in the UK and so far am not really liking it. Im going to figure out my options at the beginning of the year and more than likely find something else.
5. DH turned the big 3-0.
6. I just spent my first Christmas ever away from my family and it was ok. I had fun but nothing will ever compare to being my family in Alabama.
7. I've gotten 2 visas and gone through the entire stressful process more than I care to relive. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with anything again until August 2012.
8. My last grandparent died. We weren't close so I was fine but its weird not having any anymore.
9. I've become so incredibly close with my inlaws and am so thankful for them every single day.
10. For the first time since I was 16, I was unemployed for 8 months. 6 months due to being on a fiance visa and then the next 2 months when I was looking and interviewing.

I cant wait to see what 2011 has in store!

Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2010, 09:57:59 PM »
Mine are similar, good, bad, order & such.

1. We started the lengthy process to Repatriate back to the US in June, 7 months later we're still waiting.

2. My ILR was approved in April.

3. My Naturalisation was approved this month and I will have the ceremony in February.

4. This year my daughter is developed enough to actually have a conversation with, she's 2.

5. I saw the Queen in Derby back in April.

6. I've lost about 3 stone and continue to lose a little at a time.

7. My relationship with my MIL has hit an all time low.

8. DH started to hate his job this year and can't wait to move to the US.

9. Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress from all the visas & assorted paperwork...and did I mention Stress.

10.  There were 2 new additions to my extended family this year...as both my sister and my cousin both had babies.

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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2010, 10:24:48 PM »
1) My son was born on 3rd November.
2) stress from not knowing what is happening job wise, departmental restructuring and compulsory redundancies...
3) hubby quit smoking!
4) my relationship with one of my sisters became so much closer, while the relationship with the other has become more strained.
5) not happened yet, but my sister and her family are coming to visit on tuesday. This is the first time a family member has come to visit in the nearly 5 years I've been here.
6)both my parents and sister moved to the west coast - this means visits back to the states will cost twice as much or will end up with someone being ticked off that they didn't get to see us since the other sister lives in minnesota still.
7) we had to give up my husband's office. This was a huge blow, but after we found out we were pregnant, it was really the only thing we could do...
8) I got a kitten.
9) I got my very first new computer.
10) we bought real grown up furniture and matching dishes! is it sad that this is one of my big events? 

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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2010, 10:47:22 PM »
Mine are in chronological order (both good and bad):

1. Finally handing in my notice at Boots in January, only to find out a week later that the job I was leaving for (that had taken me a year to get) was no longer available!

2. Spending 2 months travelling in South America in Feb and March (Peru, Bolivia, Chile)

3. Being called up for jury duty in April (I'd never been selected before)... it was both a bit scary and also very interesting at the same time

4. Starting the graduate job hunt all over again in April (after losing the first job in January), having no success at all for several months and being prepared to give up all together and work for Boots for the rest of my life

5. Finding out that my best friend from school was moving back to Bristol with her husband after 4 years away, and also finding out a few weeks later that she was pregnant :).

6. Watching my brother training to become a stuntman... so far this year, he's performed in Swan Lake with the English National Ballet, filmed extra work for Casualty (I think he might be on it again in the next couple of weeks), Merlin, Larkrise to Candleford and a few other shows, plus the new X Men movie and Pirates of the Caribbean 4.

7. Getting a phone call in September from the company that let me down in January to offer me the job back again, starting in October :).

8. Finally leaving Boots for good (9 years after first starting with them) and moving to Exeter to finally start my graduate career, as a weather forecaster. (Also, the company admitting they made a mistake in withdrawing the earlier job offer in January and apologising profusely for messing us about.)

9. My cousin gave birth to her second son on Halloween. However, we only found out she was pregnant 3 weeks before she was due, because no one in the family told us!

10. Spending Christmas with only my parents and my grandmother, because both of my brothers are abroad (it's their first Christmas away from the family)... the youngest one is in the US, staying with his American girlfriend, and the other one is living in Abu Dhabi, performing in stunt shows at the new Ferrari theme park there. I probably won't see either of them until next summer now because the younger one is moving to Norway for a semester in about 3 weeks and the other one will likely be in Abu Dhabi for several more months.

Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2010, 01:20:28 AM »
Mixed emotions This year, for sure!

1. being made redundant from the job I loved with all my heart. I miss my work family so much :(
2. Getting a new job less than 3 weeks later which I hope will be amazing, can't wait to start
3. Being really joyful that my boy's family came to visit and it being surprisingly fun!
4. Crying a bit when my boyfriend graduated, it took s much and we sacrificed si many things to get him to that point.
5. Health problems! Broken foot, bells palsy, breast cysts, and finally surgery.
6. Seeing my game launch! To great reviews, was amazing.
7. Press tours and traveling were amazing this year, so many brilliant trips, loved that I get to travel for free.
8. Planning the wedding has been brilliant, can't wait to finally do it in 2011
9. A lot of heartbreak with various people in my life.
10. Have had a complete roller coaster year and am really looking forward to it being over and things evening out a bit.

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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2010, 08:37:21 AM »
This has been the most tumultuous year of my life so far! :-/

In chronological order!

1. Finding out I passed my veterinary licensing board exams!
2. Getting my ILE after months and months of preparation/freaking out. Oh, and I got my first speeding ticket ever on the way to my biometrics. Sigh.
3. The culmination of 8 years at University and a life-long dream starting when I was 7 - graduation from vet school!
4. Sorting out the PETS passport paperwork for my four cats! Packing up all our stuff - selling the cars, deciding what to keep...what to sell. Stress!!!
5. Realizing that the last four years of my life were some of the best that I could ever hope to have - and that I'm leaving behind amazing friends that I may never find the equal of again.
6. Our *actual move* to the UK - 14hrs in the car with 4 cats, then a plane journey, then another car journey. Glad I can't remember most of it!!!
7. Struggling for nearly four months to find a job in the profession that I have worked so hard to get into....
8. Finally finding a job just in the nick of time (a few days before the lease was up in Cambridge) and moving to Watford...
9. Starting my first job as a veterinarian - its overwhelming, the hours are loooong and the renumeration is crap but I love what I do...
10. Finding out a couple of weeks ago that my parents are getting divorced after 27 years together...and there is another woman involved. Lots of mixed emotions. I don't know how to deal with my mom hating my dad now (though I don't blame her) and I don't know how to deal with my own anger and feelings of betrayal. Ugh.

Crazy year :-/

Bonus number 11: found my first gray hair, at 26! whomp whomp whomp!
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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2010, 09:20:18 AM »
I'll do my top ten later once I've had time to think about it, I just wanted to say to Reinadeluz that I'm really sorry to hear about this:
10. Finding out a couple of weeks ago that my parents are getting divorced after 27 years together...and there is another woman involved. Lots of mixed emotions. I don't know how to deal with my mom hating my dad now (though I don't blame her) and I don't know how to deal with my own anger and feelings of betrayal. Ugh.

I went through the exact same thing when I was 22.  It's not easier because you're an adult.  My mom's anger was one of the hardest things I ever had to deal with.   If you ever need to talk or vent to someone who's been there, send me a PM!   
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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2010, 09:44:08 AM »
I went through the exact same thing when I was 22.  It's not easier because you're an adult.  My mom's anger was one of the hardest things I ever had to deal with.   If you ever need to talk or vent to someone who's been there, send me a PM!   

Me too.

I was 29 and my parents had been married for 30 years. It's pretty awful, no matter what age you are. I've come to terms with it all now, though - it was over 15 years ago - and though deep down I'm not sure I can forgive my father, we have a good relationship. I've learnt to just let go of it; life's too short to hold onto that much anger. But it takes time, so let yourself be angry for now.
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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2010, 04:33:01 PM »
I've learned that NO ONE knows what's really happening in someone else's marriage.  Things aren't always what they appear to be.  We're quick to judge and choose sides, that's just human nature.  My parents were married 40+ years and I had always seen it one way, the truth was actually very different.  Life is too short to live it unhappy and I'd rather my parents found some happiness instead of being miserable for their remaining years.  BUT...  I'm not sure I would've felt this way at 20-something. 
My heart goes out to you Reinadaluz, I hope all those icky feelings will pass away and peace will be left in their place. 

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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2010, 04:54:18 PM »
this isn't in any particular order . . .

1. New Years in England
2. Being able to actually celebrate Daniels birthday with him
3. Medical happening, hospital visit in england, but I was so grateful to have daniel with me, but I had to finish it alone here, it was a big deal, but not a happy one.
4. my new job at work, getting transferred into the pharmacy was one of the best things ever to happen
5. finding out I'm going to graduate this year from uni with my bachelors degree!
6. New York City with friends from England
7. Coming back home and hearing my nephew act as if I was never gone for long, I missed him so much
8. I've lost some weight since being home, and after feeling really self conscious, I'm feeling a lot better towards myself
9. The worst good-bye of my life on february 16th 2010 (it was a big moment)
10. learning that I had to do things for myself, after my visit to England, I'd realized what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, and even though I'm back home, I'm determined to have that dream come true.

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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2010, 05:57:00 PM »
Top Ten (good and bad) No special order

1. Moved to England
2. Got my Irish Citizenship (makes life easier without all the visa worry)
3. Thanksgiving here went well and sarah got to be a part of it!
4. 4th of July Party just because of me and Jewlz and DH got to come ;-)
5. Going to Turkey with the buy 1 get 1 free (volcano pricing)  ;D
6. Going on our 2 week trip to Texas and Jersey and having the rest of the family meet DH
7. Our 1st Wedding Anniversary in Scotland
8. Awesome Friends and Family sending care packages
9. Christmas here was not the same, and I was sulky and teared up all the time.  Next year Christmas in Jersey - preggo or not (I am not now but 2011 its on!)
10. Lovely Christmas (Boxing Day) with the kids and has the MIL and FIL over for dinner

Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2010, 06:45:43 PM »
I know my year has been amazing and it sounded like many others have not had an amazing year, so I'm glad to see others celebrating achievements here too.

In no particular order, just how they pop into my head, here's mine.

1. I passed my MA and thus a huge mistake 5 years ago is finally straightened out!

2. I received a job offer for a job that I'm pretty excited about.  It's in a line of work I've enjoyed previously (student administration at a Uni) and really wanted to get back into.  I start in January, but I got the offer this year.

3. I finally was able to visit Loch Ness, which I've wanted to do since whenever I found out about the Loch Ness Monster!  I LOVED it up there!  Dh has been informed we will be retiring up north! :)

4. My grandfather turned 90 and we were able to be in the US for his party!  It was great to be there and we got to drive up the gorgeous north shore of Lake Superior.  I've done it before, but dh hasn't and he loved it as much as I did.  I've really missed northern Minnesota.  Plus, I got on a plane for the first time in two years after my fear of flying returned on a previous flight back from the US and survived to tell the tale with no incidents over international waters.  Believe me, if dh hadn't kept me strapped in my seat, it could have been bad.

5. My closest friend in the US got engaged!  I'm really excited about her, and she called me first to tell me all about it!!  I did the required screaming down the phone and she's sent me her wedding dresses.  Unfortunately, she's getting married in Hawaii in 2012 and the flights to get there mean I'd be sleeping in a California airport for a night on the way out.  Plus I couldn't find a flight that wouldn't mean we'd be spending at the very least £5,000 to get there.  I can't afford that which makes me sad.

6. I've met some people who have really stretched me and the way that I think this year.  I love it because I'm able to debate and think through ideas.  While I love having friends that are similar to me, I think it's important to have people around me who turn my world upside down occasionally and make me think about myself and my life. 

7. Finally began to feel comfortable driving in the UK.  It only took about 250 hours of lessons, buying an automatic car, and driving 8 hours both ways to Inverness and back, but now, I drive out to a Country house on single lanes with tractors, no problem!

8. Volunteering with the National Trust.  It's been a fab experience.  I loved the staff, I loved the house and I love the research I do!  I have worked like crazy, but it's been the best.  Plus, it has allowed me to do historical interpretation, which I love and is a real passion of mine.  This included georgian party costumes, card games, and dancing.  This will be a memory of a lifetime working on this.

9. Something which is important to me, but sounds silly.  I have found two series of books I love.  I have really struggled to find stuff that I just can't put down and love reading.  I am glad to be back and reading like a maniac again.

10.  I am slowly learning to cook.  Well, cook more and tastier things.  Over this past year, I've learned how to make 6 soups which I can freeze for more and better lunches, and about 15 other recipes.  I'm working my way up to having a full repetoire and food that I can make for other people.  I'm really enjoying it and in the new year I am considering taking a cooking course (it's between a language course or a cooking course if I can find good ones). 

And that's my year.  Some amazing things, some quiet life changes to make me a better me.  2010 has been a fab year for me, which makes me a little nervous.  Usually great years are followed by not so great ones for me.  Fingers crossed next year isn't too tough.  :)

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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2010, 07:18:55 PM »
Honestly, I am struggling to think of ten big things - lol!  Guess how boring my life must be.  :P

I don't have time to labour over the question now, so perhaps after the beginning of the new year.
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Re: Top Ten of 2010
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2010, 09:39:03 PM »
Alrighty! My Top Ten- Good and Bad

1: Finding out I was pregnant with my 2nd boy! :D

2: Leaving my work family, I loved my job- but I loved my co-workers more. :(

3: Getting full custody of my son finally- ex husband has been a no show in my first sons life for 7+ years... finally made him all mine officially.

4: When my boyfriend proposed to me- Swoon! :)

5: The Home Office losing my passports so I ended up having to have my baby here, costing me thousands in health fees I shouldn't have had to pay. :(

6: The scary C-section followed by the birth of my perfect little man! :D

7: Marrying the man of my dreams! Planning a wedding in 3 days- a huge accomplishment if you ask me! :D

8: My dad breaking down and thanking my new husband for taking care of me and our boys, I've never seen him do anything like that, and that image of him will be etched in my memory forever.

9: Celebrating my first Christmas and Boxing Day with my new little family

10: My husbands family throwing us a fabulous reception here in the UK. I'm so grateful to them and thankful they accept and love me the way they do!
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