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Topic: Please help me make a cuppa!  (Read 2105 times)

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Please help me make a cuppa!
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:09:17 PM »
Ok, this may be a bit daft. But I have never liked or been one to drink hot drinks. DH doesn't either...but I don't know how it's come to this.

I've been tasked with hosting a "coffee morning" for my parents/toddler group in a couple of weeks, and I don't want to look like an idiot American, drinking my Diet Pepsi and oblivious to how to do things normal adults with houses and children can do. :)

What kind of tea should I buy and how's best to prepare it? We have an electric kettle that boils water....but do I need a glass teapot, too? What kind of sugar/milk/etc. do I need to have on hand?

And as far as coffee, when someone invites you over, what do you expect? Instant coffee? That looks a little gross to me, but maybe it's because I don't drink coffee. Is this what people use generally?

Any help greatly appreciated (*blush*)!

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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 03:13:18 PM »
Just get yourself some tea bags. PG Tips is good IMO but you'll get varying recommendations on that! ;)

Teapots are lovely but not necessary and since you don't make tea, I'd not bother.

As for coffee, I can't stand the stuff but IME, most British people would not be surprised or offended to have instant coffee offered.

Just have milk (2%) and normal sugar on hand for both and let people make them up themselves. You can set up a little tea and coffee station with a plate of biscuits and let 'em sort it out.
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 03:18:36 PM »
Just have milk (2%) and normal sugar on hand for both and let people make them up themselves. You can set up a little tea and coffee station with a plate of biscuits and let 'em sort it out.

Unfortunately the few coffee mornings I've been to with this group, the woman hosting tends to go in the kitchen and make up everyone's cup. So for instance, if someone says "One sugar and a little milk," is that like one sugar cube or one teaspoon of sugar? White sugar? Or that chunky brown stuff that looks like a mini asteroid that I sometimes see in coffee shops.

The coffee bit actually scares me more than the tea bit, I think, even. Because I am starting to get a taste for tea a little after randomly drinking it  twice a week for the past three months. Whereas coffee, I still hate.

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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 03:18:55 PM »
I'm no hot drink expert, but I think I can help you here as I drink hot drinks all year 'round.

I'd get some nice tea like PG Tips or Yorkshire Tea.  I wouldn't worry about a teapot, just let people use teabags and mugs.  Any kind of sugar will do--normal white granulated is fine.  Maybe some artificial sweetener for those who use it (I hate the stuff so not sure which is most popular).

For coffee I like fresh, real coffee made in a french press, but when you're talking more than 3 or 4 people it's not really the way to go (only makes a few cups per French press).  So in this case, instant would be fine.  Just get some nice quality instant, maybe something labeled "fair trade" would be nice.

I'd put out a bunch of little spoons and lots of mugs and people can help themselves.  Maybe a dedicated mug for dirty spoons (after people have put their sweetener and milk in and stirred, etc.)

It seems people really go for lowfat milk here (usually has a green lid)--I guess it's a bit healthier, but I prefer whole milk.  I guess you could get a container of each.  It might look nice if you put the milk in little jugs, but not necessary.

Maybe even get a box of instant hot cocoa packs for those who don't do coffee or tea.

Cross-posted with balmerhon.  So you're expected to make the drinks for everyone?  That seems awfully akward to me.  :-\\\\  One sugar just means one teaspoon of sugar.  Just normal white sugar.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 03:21:23 PM by Andee »
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2011, 03:22:30 PM »
I feel you!
They do make them and bring them out and if you choose to do that - great!
If so 1 sugar is a teaspoon and little milk is still darker...
See this mug for help

relax ;-)

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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2011, 03:23:48 PM »
Unfortunately the few coffee mornings I've been to with this group, the woman hosting tends to go in the kitchen and make up everyone's cup. So for instance, if someone says "One sugar and a little milk," is that like one sugar cube or one teaspoon of sugar? White sugar? Or that chunky brown stuff that looks like a mini asteroid that I sometimes see in coffee shops.

The coffee bit actually scares me more than the tea bit, I think, even. Because I am starting to get a taste for tea a little after randomly drinking it  twice a week for the past three months. Whereas coffee, I still hate.

Don't worry about what she does. Really, I know that's easier said then done, but don't do it. It's much better to let people make their own and like it then risk making 10 cups of bad tea or coffee! ;D Just make light of it... play off on your American-ness and joke about how you wouldn't dare want to risk ruining the perfect 'cuppa'!

As for coffee, like you, I'm an American who hates the stuff. So I always made jokes about that, too. I'd just laugh and say 'I don't do coffee' and point folks to the kettle and coffee making stuff. Everyone always laughed and no one complained. A nice package of cookies or brownies will also help!
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2011, 03:24:36 PM »
Yeah, agree with the above posters

PG Tips or Yorkshire Tea or something pretty general will be fine
Get some instant coffee
Get some 2% milk, put out a sugar bowl and have everyone help themselves

I'd say, put the boiled kettle out and have everyone make their own. But that's just me- I hate getting someone's cuppa wrong.  Like I for instance, love to keep my tea bag in until the bottom. But I get told off for that  ;)  so I just let everyone fend for themselves.

Good luck!

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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2011, 03:25:20 PM »
I agree that you can let people add their own milk & sugar. Have a tray with a sugar bowl and a milk jug and a bunch of teaspoons, and they can help themselves. I'd still make their tea and coffee for them, though, unless you have a teapot and a cafetiere.

(And, yes, white sugar is fine - either granulated or caster.)
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2011, 03:37:46 PM »
I agree that you can let people add their own milk & sugar. Have a tray with a sugar bowl and a milk jug and a bunch of teaspoons, and they can help themselves. I'd still make their tea and coffee for them, though, unless you have a teapot and a cafetiere.

(And, yes, white sugar is fine - either granulated or caster.)

True, you can do this and it is more 'hostess-like' :). I always avoided doing it because I like my tea fairly strong but have some family members who effectively drink colored water. ::) Also, British tea tends to brew faster/stronger than Lipton so do bear that in mind if you opt to make it yourself.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. ~ John Lennon

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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2011, 03:38:31 PM »
I'd have semi-skimmed and whole milk available.  People can feel really strongly about their milk.  Among my colleagues there's a very strong green milk/blue milk divide.
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2011, 03:41:44 PM »
I'd have semi-skimmed and whole milk available.  People can feel really strongly about their milk.  Among my colleagues there's a very strong green milk/blue milk divide.
It would be nice to have both.  I don't mind "green", but prefer "blue".  I hate hate hate "red" (fat-free)--nothing but grey water (but I am getting off-topic)!
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2011, 03:47:17 PM »
Maybe pick up a few herbal teas (mint and camomile) and then some sort of standard "regular tea", but don't feel worried about letting people make their own. You can even set it up like a buffet and "present" it in a lovely way and make it an occasion to distract from the fact you're not exactly serving everything up! I always just admit that I find it difficult to make other people tea; I've only JUST gotten confident enough to make it for one of my closest friends, and she's not even that picky.  I feel your pain!

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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2011, 03:48:35 PM »
I agree with Jennie--it would be nice to have some mint tea and some other type of herbal tea. 
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2011, 03:48:57 PM »
I always feel that semi-skimmed is a good compromise between skimmed and full-fat. If people are that fussy, hopefully they'll be polite enough to keep it to themselves. And if it's in a jug, I'll bet nobody will even notice what it is.
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Re: Please help me make a cuppa!
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2011, 03:50:05 PM »
I always feel that semi-skimmed is a good compromise between skimmed and full-fat. If people are that fussy, hopefully they'll be polite enough to keep it to themselves. And if it's in a jug, I'll bet nobody will even notice what it is.

Heee! And it's a great excuse to get a cute jug if you don't have one. I love jugs!! ;D
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. ~ John Lennon

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