I have an addendum to this Q, but the other way around.
I have a US life insurance policy, which I continue to pay into (from my US bank account).
Currently, the beneficiary is my sibling in the US (thats what I put on the form many years ago, and havent changed it).
I was thinking, maybe I should change this to my UK-citizen husband. Or if that's not worth it, based on tax issues.
So far, we are intending to stay here in the UK. And if I die, I dont know any ramifications of whether him being a UK citizen in the UK, being the beneficiary of a US life insurance policy, would result in him having to pay massive taxes. Or if I should just leave it as is for now.
My former work's pension fund made me reassign my benefits to my UK-citizen husband (should I die), though. I know that's not the same as life insurance, and I also dont know what taxes he'd be liable for.
If anyone has any informational websites or resources to suggest, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!