Yesterday my fiancée (UK) broke up with me (California). We had known each other for 3 years, been engaged for over a year and were four months away from me moving over there and getting married. I wasn't planning on applying for the fiancée visa until April so at least I'm not out like $1200 or anything. But it's terrible.
LDR was rough for us but we always managed with a visit every 3 months. Sometimes it was 6 months. I JUST saw her last month & we were totally fine. She got scared, worried that it wasn't going to be worth it in the end and she doesn't have faith in us anymore as a couple. She said she still loves me but just wasn't sure we were going to make it so we ended it.
Telling everyone has been hard. I've cried loads yesterday and today. My dreams of walking down the aisle, of making pancakes for us in the mornings, of maybe even having kids with her are all gone.
She broke up with me last year but ended up getting back together after about four days. I feel so pathetic for wanting her back now even though it took me so long to trust her again after the first time. I think this is just it. The final strike. I don't know if I could respect myself if I got back together with her. I don't think that we'll ever get back together or even be friends. It's just...horrible. My heart feels ripped in half.
Anyways, just want to thank this site for being so amazing and informative and helpful. Without it I wouldn't have been able to find anything about moving there.
It all feels like such a bad dream.