But you said that if you were on 'the other side of 30 then you might consider it [i.e. suddenly finding "mom" jeans flattering]. Why would something you found unflattering at 29, suddenly become flattering at 30?
And to answer your question, yes, I do think "mom" jeans are bad style. That's why I don't wear them. But, if someone else wants to wear them, no matter what age they are, then they can knock themselves out. People can wear whatever they want.
But you said the same thing, that you were 36 not 95, implying that if you were 96 then you might find them flattering as well.
I have no idea if, when I turn 30 I'll suddenly like Mom Jeans, maybe I will, I'm not ruling it out, but until then I wont wear them myself and I wont judge other people who are.
It's not anyone's business, but we all judge. It's just normal human behaviour. You yourself said that you like "rail thin, hipster studenty" type men in skinny jeans. But what about chunky beefy blokes?
I stand by my claim that skinny jeans only look good on certain people. It's not about wanting to look skinny - I don't want to look rail thin, but then I don't wear skinny jeans either. And nobody's saying anyone should or shouldn't wear what makes them happy. At the same time, nobody's going to stop me (or anyone else) from judging.
Just because something is "human nature" doesn't make it intrinsically right, if we all made a more concerted effort to be less judgemental then maybe the world would actually be a nicer place, rather than saying that because everyone does it, it's fine. I'm sure people say they don't care, but I think most people care that they're judged by others, or they wouldn't make such an effort with themselves. It's not a nice feeling
I also think that all that negativity just weighs people down and maybe next time someone sees someone in really tight skinny jeans, rather than saying "they're too big to wear those!" what about saying "how great that that person is so body confident!" One of the reason I love the fatshion blogs so much is that they break all the rules, horizontal stripes, pvc, hotpants, they look however they want to look and I think that's so refreshing, and I think they look great! Yes they could pick more "flattering" clothes, but they wouldn't look half as good.
I think my definition of looking good boils down to feeling good rather than looking as thin/classically attractive as possible
Yes I tend to fancy rail thin hipster blokes, which actually my DH is not...there's an element of gravitating towards certain guys at first, but I wouldn't say a big beefy bloke was awful, or not understand why someone else found him attractive.