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Topic: UBS, phase II  (Read 1025 times)

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UBS, phase II
« on: April 08, 2011, 04:52:54 PM »
Here we go again. There has been speculation about this for 6 months or so. It shouldn’t be of immediate concern to anyone in the UK, unless you have an HSBC account in India.


(If your blood pressure can stand it, read some of the comments. They go on for pages and pages. Some are predictable.)

If you’re with HSBC, the eventual fallout for USC’s could ultimately be tighter controls on ‘US Person’ accounts, but that’s a long way down the road. The FATCA legislation may cover it anyway.

I’d just like to say thank you to all our fellow Americans, living in the US, and not reporting foreign accounts. To automatically be called a tax cheat by association (having a foreign account) doesn’t really please me. 

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Re: UBS, phase II
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2011, 08:52:47 AM »
It's Clash of the Titans as the EU strikes back:


Let's hope we don't get trampled underfoot.

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Re: UBS, phase II
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2011, 02:15:29 PM »
Thanks for the link, but I'm not a member of the site (no payie, no lookie).

The actual letters from banks, organisations, etc., in response to the FATCA proposals, can be found on a site (Deloitte) provided by ACA.


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Re: UBS, phase II
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2011, 05:26:42 PM »
Sorry about that - the link works when you come in from Google News. Here's the same news item via the FT


and also via the EU


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Re: UBS, phase II
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2011, 03:23:58 PM »
Let’s hope that the meeting does take place, and the EU can clarify the realistic consequences of the FATCA proposals. The EU response submitted was one of the most complete. Some media reports of the last several months indicate that even the US based organisations realise (finally) there are complicating effects for them as a result of the enactment of the legislation.

For the USC’s living abroad, it means more reporting, but hopefully that’s all. One would hope that all sums tally between FBARs, 8938, and the 1099’s from the non-US banks. The real problems will come from the non-US banks decision agreeing to the level of reporting. If it becomes easier to remove all US Persons from their books, then we’ll have much larger problems (like being trampled underfoot).

Following posts on the EnglishForum.CH indicate that, for now, even USC’s who are clients of USB are having only minor difficulties (all US Person accounts must be administered from Zurich, but still allow local branch servicing). New accounts might be a different matter. Perhaps an EF.CH user might be able to explain more, if they're out there. One would imagine that these accounts are identified to the IRS/Treasury, and the banks would be happy with that level of reporting. The USC’s who are faithfully reporting should notice minimal, and acceptable, changes. But if the IRS/Treasury insists on the 1099 reporting, then all bets are off.

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