We're going to try to go to a street party. If not around here, we've been invited to one by friends elsewhere. I am not all that excited about the wedding itself, but I am sort of interested in being involved in a British street party. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone. It seems to be such a memorable experience for British people; often these things feature prominently in literature, memoirs, films. I think people generally make a big deal out of these things because it is one of those times they can, so I am looking forward to participating in something where I can indulge in my crush on this country.
As for the wedding itself, I really am not bothered. I don't follow it at all. I'd go to a street party and watch the coverage whether it was a wedding, a jubilee, coronation, whatever.
My inlaws, on the other hand, are in Westminster not all that far from the Abbey. They have lived in that spot for nearly 40 years and in the general area since the 1950s. They couldn't care less about it. However, if it was the wedding was all that interested in, I'd probably go there and try to get as close as I could to the action as early as possible. I can't imagine that being all that fun, though, but people do it.