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Topic: Now that the royal wedding is done...next up (next year) Diamond Jubilee  (Read 669 times)

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If you're wanting to make your travel plans early (like we do)...  ;)

I saw chary's comment about the Diamond Jubilee on the most recent royal wedding thread, and was just wondering - what exactly happens on a jubilee?  I mean the royal wedding is a tangible specific event where, whether you are interested or not, you know what is going to happen.  So just curious, I looked up what the plan is for next year - I guess HM is going to be leading a flotilla of boats up the Thames & at her age?!  [smiley=laugh3.gif]

Anyhoo, all the details here:


They are moving the late May bank holiday from the end of May to Monday, June 4, 2012 instead as a one-off, and the jubilee holiday will be added to that on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - making a four day bank holiday weekend, all together.  I am not sure how I feel about that - I kind of like the idea of having two 3-day weekends in a row - oh well, doesn't make much difference.  :-\\\\

Also, the link explains 'It is anticipated that most schools in England will take their half-term break w/c 4 June instead of the last week in May.'   So might be best to start planning & booking early for best price/selection on holidays?  Hmmmm.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in...

- from Anthem, by Leonard Cohen (b 1934)

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    • Jennifer Knits
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Thanks for sharing. My birthday is the last weekend in May - a bank holiday in both the US and UK - and I'm going to be completely at a loss without my 3 day weekend!

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