I know we have (dead) threads singing the praises of discount shops, but I don't think we have a thread on what to buy and what to avoid from these shops. Of course this is going to boil down to a matter of opinion, but sometimes it's nice to get an opinion before you make the leap, even if it's a 69p leap. Also feel free to list your awesome finds.
We're trying to cut down on our grocery bill a bit, but we don't want to sacrifice nutrition, so we've been doing runs to these discount places to supplement our regular shop/veg box. Now we're considering relying on them even more. So far:
Aldi (not all that close to us, so it's not as easy to get to)-
I definitely recommend:
-Almost all their chocolate. In general these German shops have awesome chocolate.
-Instant crappacinnos. We get the unsweetened ones and they are pretty decent.
-Their dark rye bread: probably the best out of any I've gotten in the UK. It's the German, dense brown sort, not the pastrami on rye sort
-Their mild cheddar. Very good.
-Some of their frozen pizzas (which we get for a treat night) are very good. I got this one with salmon on it and it was so tasty.
-Their ketchup is at least as good as Heinz
-Their facial moisturiser is nice. The cleanser is okay if a bit sticky.
-Their anti-pasta stuff (sundried tomatoes, artichokes) are great.
-Their pasta is decent, especially the "posh" stuff
-Their fake Pimms was as good as Pimms according to our Pimms expert and a *lot* cheaper
-their tinned tomatoes are good
-Our cat likes their wet food as much as Sheba/Fancy Feast
Okay- their pickles were a bit flavourless, and a few looked weird
-Mr A didn't like their frozen beef burgers
-their produce can be hit or miss. We got some totally flavourless potatoes the last time we went. Tasted like pure starch.
-Butter-but to be fair, I am really partial to President butter, and Aldi butter is nothing like it.
Avoid-Nothing yet (we don't have the experience with Aldi to have run into something all that bad), although from my experience in the states, I am not going to buy tuna or fresh chicken here.
They have their own brand of Splenda which I am planning on trying sometime soon.
Iceland-We hardly ever go here, but their free-range eggs are great (but come in plastic cartons) and their milk is cheap
Lidl-Our Lidl now has a "bakery", which is weird. It's like this weird little glass closet where some worker "bakes" pre-made items. When I was there, the worker was no where to be found and the closet was burning a bunch of croissants.
Definitely get:
- their bread mixes are pretty awesome.
-Mr A is a fan of their frozen pizzas. I don't think they're anything special.
-They have shoestring chips which taste like shoestring crappy fries from the States.
-Some of their icecream is very nice and some is like Merkin stuff.
Avoid-Some of the deli slices are REALLY heavy on the smoke flavour. Yuck. I am not a fan of their eggs, although at least they come in a degradable carton. Mr A thinks the baked beans, even the name brand sort, is too sweet from Lidl. Their crappacinnos aren't as good as Aldi's. It says no partially hydrogenated oils on the pack, and I wonder if that is what makes Aldi's crappacinnos taste good. Must check the label next time.
I will definitely add more the more experience we have with it.