Presumably this is from in the USA? How would they even know?
Well who knows what resources they have to check, but all court proceedings that involve liens, judgments, etc. are a matter of public record and easily can turn up in a background check. Especially with the internet, information is more and more accessible.
I found out about mine on a court's website after my name popped up on one of those background checker websites.
But they ask you on the ILR and Citizenship applications if you ever had a civil judgment in any country, and to tick "no" is lying/deception, which I will not do. Ironically this civil judgment accuses me of lying/deception, which I did NOT do. It's really fu#$)@ed up. I am praying my lawyer can sort this out, I can't go into any more detail than this except that it's related to benefits and employer retaliation.
What scares me is that what they accused me of is a crime in the U.K. punishable by up to 10 years. But the thing is....I was never served a summons, arrested, charged, nothing. Never knew about it, it got filed about 6 months AFTER I moved 3,000 miles away from the state.
So if I was never convicted (they slapped a fine on the original amount and that's all been accruing interest without my knowledge all these years), but accused and fined automatically (again never dealt with the legal system at all) would ECO's deal with this upon applying for ILR? That's the big question.
I just want my name cleared, but it's really stressful.