I just wanted to to refer back to the thread about no federal laws for gays rights. Here is the big difference in the US verses the UK. States here have a certain level of sovereignty. This is why the civil war happened. States can make their own laws, and there is battle with Federal Rule over states rights. Right now, the federal government makes it illegal to sell and grow marijuana. However, several no have medical marijuana laws, and the3 Feds frequently interefere with what the sate has sanctioned as legal. These issuses will not be settled until and if the supreme court finds them legal, or illegal...it is a long process, and may take decades to sort out.
Generallly, the Fed verses States rights are this: The states may give it's people MORE fredoms and rights than the federal government does, but may NOT give them LESS. Not until the constitutionality of discrimination of marriage rights can be elucidated, probably by the Supreme Court, will there be a federal "class" of gays, lesbians and trans people that are considered a "suspect" class, meaning any discrimination toward them is probably wrong, and all states and the federal government must respect the rights of gays and lesbians etc to marry, and have those unions recognized and all the rights, thereof bestowed up on them. The legal thinking is that when similarly situated persons are treated differently under the law, they are being unduly burdened by the exclusions of the law, and a remedy must be found. However, the courts have only found a "rational" basis for review of rights for same sex couples, which means they only need a rational reason why they are putting up the barrier to federal rights for gays and lesbians. I hope that makes sense....The UK Parliment makes laws for the entire UK, but here, mostly it is individual states that start the porcess, and then people in other states must petition their state to recognize what is sonctioned in the originating state. I could say more, but my fee is $250 an hour. LOL